Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AgoneComplete a multiplayer run.
ApprenticeComplete one level.
ControlReach gold speed twice in an endless level
Eternal MindReach a new state of consciousness.
Golden GunStay in gold for more than 60s.
Golden SageGet over 10000pts on each level.
Iron MaskProve your face indestructible.
Killer RunGet over 10000pts on any level.
Last StationComplete all levels on all difficulties.
Light SpeedRun with a speed over 100m/s.
Love PillsCollect more than 999 total dots.
MinimalistPlay FOTONICA without distractions.
PerversionComplete a level with alternate controls.
Pink DaisyCollect a column of dots.
Random MindGet over 25000pts in an endless level.
Silent SageComplete every level, any difficulty.
TerminalComplete everything.
The FarmerListen to the sounds of nature.
Unspoken RunnerRun more than 1000000m.
Well DoneComplete the tutorial.