Fortix 2 (PC)

Easy "Merry-go-round" achievement

Do this while immortal, either through shield or dying. Select a level with many magic missiles. Allow them shoot you to become immortal for a short time. Dodge the other magic missiles. Along as you are immortal, they will do a full circle around you. Playing at a higher difficulty setting will result in faster missiles.

Easy "Traveller" achievement

Select the Easy difficulty setting to eliminate the time limit. Start a new game or continue from a saved game. Choose any desired level. Walk in any direction. Facing a corner or wall is acceptable, as miles are counted from your movement and not actual travel distance. Use an object to keep your movement key or controller button depressed and allow the game to idle in this state.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Complete CollectionCapture one of each power-up.
Dragon MasterCapture 100 dragons.
Dragon SlayerCapture 300 dragons.
Flawless VictoryComplete every level to perfect on any difficulty.
Greed is GoodCapture an Oarkland or Dwarkland level in less than 10 captures.
Happy DragonComplete a level without capturing any dragons.
HooliganUnlock the hooligan avatar by smashing gophers in the options menu. Make them all disappear at the same time.
Impossible is NothingComplete every level to perfect on impossible difficulty.
Let there be lightMake all the shrines shine on the map.
LumberjackUnlock lumberjack avatar by capturing 20 orc watch towers.
Merry-go-roundMake a magic missile do a full circle around you.
Mission ImpossibleFinish the game on impossible difficulty.
No more to shootCapture a catapult when there is no more target left to shoot at.
Right tool for the right jobDestroy a magic orb with a catapult.
Shield BearerCapture all shields (at least 2) on an Oarkland or Dwarkland level with one capture.
Square DealMake a perfect square.
Stealth FighterComplete an Oarkland level without using a catapult.
Super ComboMake a 5x combo.
SurvivorFinish zombie mode.
The ConquerorConquer at least 45% of the playfield with a single capture.
There's a New Sheriff in TownCapture Xitrof along with his two replicas.
TravellerTravel 1000 miles.
Triple HitCapture at least 3 catapults with one capture.
Z-DayUnlock zombie mode.
Zoo MasterCapture one of each monster.