Formula Fusion (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A RISING STAR!Finish a race in 1st position in single player.
CREATOR MEBeat one of the developers or another player who has this achievement in a multiplayer race.
DESTROYERDestroy 5 other crafts in a single race.
FAST NOT FURIOUS!Finish a speedlap race in 1st position in single player.
FORMULA SOLVEDUnlock every achievement in Formula Fusion.
FULL METAL CONTACTDestroy another craft by ramming it.
GLOBETROTTERTravel the total distance equivalent to flying around the world!
HEAD OF THE PACKFinish an elimination race in 1st position in single player.
I'M A ROCKET MAN!Destroy another craft with an Energy Bolt.
IS THAT YOU PURDISC?Be lapped by another pilot.
LAST MAN STANDINGFinish an endurance race in 1st position in single player.
MINED CRAFTDestroy another craft with a Mine.
PACK LEADERStay in 1st place for a full lap.
PERFECTIONISTComplete a perfect lap on any track.
SALT AND PEPPEREDDestroy another craft with the Gauss Cannon.
SLOW AND STEADYComplete a full lap on any track without hitting a single boost pad.
SO YOU'RE THAT GUY...Collide with every other craft in a race.
SPACE RACETravel a total distance equivalent to Medium Earth Orbit.
THE 1%Achieve Gold medals in every event in the United Trans-American States race season.
TRAINING WHEELSDie 3 times in a single race.
VENGEFUL PILOTDestroy a craft that destroyed you earlier in the same race.
WAKA! WAKA!'Collect' 3 mines in a single race.
WORLD STAR!Complete the United Trans-American States race season.