Forgotten Hill Mementoes (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Always togetherDo what's needed to have your friend always with you
Bad fatherStab your son
BrainiacComplete the game without using any hint
Carnivorous PumpkinMake a mutant carnivorous pumpkin
Colonel MaskFind the Colonel mask
Enchanted pumpkinCast the spell
Father KillerKill your father
Gambler MaskMake the Gambler mask
Good NightThis bed is so confortable...
Hanged ManDo the only thing left to do
House keyFind your house key
Jack in the BoxPlay with Jack in the box toy
Kill 'em allIt's time to kill them
Kill a monsterKill the mutant monster
Killed by a monsterBe killed by the mutant monster
Killed by a zombieBe killed by a zombie woman
Let's startStart your journey through memory
Let's weigh!Find all weighing objects
List CompletedCollect every item on your list
Machine activatedActivate the machine
Magical grouthTry to grow something new
Master Piano PlayerPlay the right music at the right moment
Piano PlayerPlay some music
Play a recordWhere have I heard that music before?
Please a zombieShow some love to a zombie woman
PumpkinGrow a pumpkin
Puppeteer MaskFind the Puppeteer mask
Ruth MaskMake a mask for Ruth
Spell readyFind all the ingredients for the spell
Spider mutationMake a mutant pumpkin spider
Strange MutationsUse potions to create new mutations
Strange Mutations 2Use potions to create new mutations
Tic Tac ToeWin a TicTacToe game
Wife KilledBe killed by your wife
Wife KillerKill your wife... again