Forever Skies (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
And we're Off!Fly in your airship for the first time.
Chain ReactionSet off a Mine using another Mine.
Evolving worldAcquire fourth mission report.
Green ThumbGrow a plant in your airship's garden.
Hard landingAcquire first mission report.
Iron stomachEat uncooked food.
It's not a bug, It's a creature!Discover an intelligent, friendly creature.
Performing self-surgery!Treat a disease using medical bed.
Recycle-ceptionRecycle a Recycler.
Rise, Scientist!Place a Turbine on your Airship and ascend to 250 masl.
Search continuesAcquire second mission report.
So much space. Need to see it allExpand a living space in your airship for the first time.
Stop. It. NowDefeat a Scrapwing Hatchery to protect your airship.
TimbeeeerMake a ruin collapse, by extracting its metal scaffolding.
Total EclipseFill your moth vivarium with three different moths.
Where is the cure?Acquire third mission report.
Yes, you can!Pet the Friendly Insect for the first time.