Achievement | How to unlock
And we're Off! | Fly in your airship for the first time.
Chain Reaction | Set off a Mine using another Mine.
Evolving world | Acquire fourth mission report.
Green Thumb | Grow a plant in your airship's garden.
Hard landing | Acquire first mission report.
Iron stomach | Eat uncooked food.
It's not a bug, It's a creature! | Discover an intelligent, friendly creature.
Performing self-surgery! | Treat a disease using medical bed.
Recycle-ception | Recycle a Recycler.
Rise, Scientist! | Place a Turbine on your Airship and ascend to 250 masl.
Search continues | Acquire second mission report.
So much space. Need to see it all | Expand a living space in your airship for the first time.
Stop. It. Now | Defeat a Scrapwing Hatchery to protect your airship.
Timbeeeer | Make a ruin collapse, by extracting its metal scaffolding.
Total Eclipse | Fill your moth vivarium with three different moths.
Where is the cure? | Acquire third mission report.
Yes, you can! | Pet the Friendly Insect for the first time.