Fishing Vacation (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
100% Fishing VacationTime to take a vacation.
Down in the cellar...Unlock the cellar.
Ending AReceived the A Ending.
Ending BReceived the B Ending.
Ending CReceived the C Ending.
Ending DReceived the D Ending.
Fish on!You caught your first catch!
Fisher? I barely know er!Caught over thirty fish.
Mythos ResearcherRead the entirety of the Inuit mythos.
New sneaksComplete the pair of shoes.
Right on the moneyLand a perfect cast.
The head, the tail, the whole damn thingCatch a Great White Shark.
Wart DefeatedYou took on Wart and won.
Worm WranglerGet more than ten worms in one go.