Fisherones (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Adrenaline JunkieReach max level in adrenaline shot.
AggressiveReach max level in offense.
Antique CollectorDiscover all the antiques.
Apex PredatorSlay a great white shark.
Big game hunterHunt down at least one of each species of large creatures.
CamouflagedReach max level in camouflage.
Civil engineerUnlock all the hatches.
Defensive BoyReach max level in defense.
Egg hunterDiscover all the roes.
ExecutionerExecute a target that has 250 or more health.
ExpertGet a score of 100.000 or more.
ExplorerDiscover all named locations.
Fossil EnthusiastDiscover all the fossils.
MarathonistHave 250 or more stamina.
MutantReach maximum slots of mutagens.
Ninja boyReach max level in ninja.
RevivedGet revived.
Tanky boyHave 250 or more health.
Top tier blingAcquire a tier 3 mutagen.
ToxicDeal 2500 points of damage with poison.
Treasure hunterDiscover all treasure caves.
UnkillableReach max level in heal.
VampiricDeal 5000 points of damage with bleed.
VeteranHave the sum of all highscores be 250.000 ore more.