Final Theosis (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AmyBe nice to Amy.
BenitoSpend some time with Benito.
Card MasterBeat the Omnituens.
CassieSpend some time with Cassie.
DoraSpend some time with Dora.
HannahSpend some time with Hannah.
HanungSpend some time with Hanung.
HassanSpend some time with Hassan.
HeavenGo to Heaven.
Jean-MarieSpend some time with Jean-Marie.
JorgeFollow Jorge.
LasseSpend some time with Lasse.
LaureenSpend some time with Laureen.
LimboPick Limbo.
LudivineSpend some time with Ludivine.
NanamiSpend some time with Nanami.
NelsonTalk to Nelson.
NikolaïSpend some time with Nikolaï.
PaulBe nice to Paul.
ReiTalk to Rei.
SeiTalk to Sei.
SophieTalk to Sophie.
T.C.Spend some time with T.C.
TamaraSpend some time with Tamara.
ValentinaSpend some time with Valentina.