Achievement | How to unlock
A bottomless pit | Refueled 25 times.
Ah, Venice! | Visited 5 cities with sights.
Born in the saddle | 150 Routes completed.
Checked-In | Driven to Frankfurt Airport.
Conspiracy Theory | Driven to Bielefeld.
Expert coach driver | 2000 Passenger transported.
Feed the machine! | Refueled 10 times.
Gasoline! | Refueled 1 time.
Getting used to | 10 Routes completed.
Got to see them all | Unlocked 10 cities.
Highway to Hell | 1000 Routes completed.
Hit the Road | 50 Routes completed.
I wear my sunglasses at night | Driven 72 hours at night.
Junior coach driver | 100 Passenger transported.
Lion Fan | Driven 10.000 km with a MAN Lion's Coach.
Lion Instructor | Driven 30.000 km with a MAN Lion's Coach C.
Lion Nerd | Driven 30.000 km with a MAN Lion's Coach.
Lion Trainer | Driven 10.000 km with a MAN Lion's Coach C.
Lost Highway | 450 Routes completed.
Metropolitan | Visited 10 cities with sights.
Move along | 150 Passengers rejected correctly.
Night Owl | Driven 48 hours at night.
Not your fault | 50 Passengers rejected correctly.
Principal coach driver | 1000 Passenger transported.
Regular coach driver | 250 Passenger transported.
Senior coach driver | 500 Passenger transported.
Simulation Forge | Been to Erfurt.
Sleepwalker | Driven 24 hours at night.
So, this is ... | Visited a city with sights.
So, this is my hood | Unlocked 3 cities.
Sorry | 10 Passengers rejected correctly.
Test ride | 1 Route completed.
This is my kingdom! | Unlocked 20 cities.
To where no man has gone before | Unlocked 30 cities.
Trainee coach driver | 10 Passenger transported.
Up and running! | Started the game.
Veteran coach driver | 4000 Passenger transported.
Well, where haven't I been to? | Unlocked 40 cities.