F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate (PC)


Minigun Cheat

First, you must drop all of you weapons (B) grenades do not count. Then hit the talk key (T), and then type gimmegun turret_street and I done correctly you should get a minigun with unlimited ammo and never has to reload. Note: You may not bash a vent grate with this.

Various Codes

During gameplay, press T to bring up the talk screen, and enter any of the following

armorRestores full armor
healthRestores full health
godTurns God mode on or off
poltergeistTurns invisibility on or off
gimmegun < weaponname >Type in the name of the weapon you wish your character to have
ammoFull ammunition
gunsAll weapons
gearMore Health, Reflex and 10 Med Packs
posPosition mode
buildBuild mode


Press T Key and Enter Code

Bigger expolssion from 5(Proximity) baddaboom

Get Deployable turret gimmegun deployableturretgrenade

Get Lightning arc gimmegun chainlightninggun
Get VES Adavanced rifle gimmegun advancedrifle
Get Grenade Launcher gimmegun grenadelauncher