Fat Mask (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All Hail Fat Mask!Play in Free-For-All Mode.
Baby StepsComplete the tutorial.
BuilderCreater 25 monsters by yourself.
ContractorCreate 10 monsters by yourself.
EgocentricClaim 20 combos by yourself.
Golden HandSteal 40 combos in one game.
KleptomaniacSteal 30 combos in one game.
Lonely RoadPlay in Solo Mode.
Long live the Mask!Play a 100 Free-For-All matches.
Methane FactoryFart 100 times.
Monster MakerCreate 50 monsters by yourself.
PhilanthropeClaim 40 combos by yourself.
Pro PlayerPlay any game mode.
SelfishClaim 30 combos by yourself.
Shoot For The StarsMake 10 000 points in one game.
SneakySteal 10 combos in one game.
Team PlayersPlay in Team Coop.
ThiefSteal 20 combos in one game.
This is mine!Claim 10 combos by yourself.
TravelerUnlock all levels.
WOMBO COMBOCreate 75 monsters as a team.