Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bone location (secret)Man, I hate cliffhangers
Card collectorPay to know (what you probably already figured out by yourself)
Clean homeAt least boxes can get what they want...
Good! She is an orphan now! (secret)What? That's a good thing, right?
Hey! I am strong!Spalonebabuguskootis is name, not fitting in any form, so getting strongest is surely my game!
How?! (secret)Actually, how did you find that? I am really interested! E-mail me at this web-zone.
Love at first noodleYou know, it wasn't unexpected.
No cake for you!Seriously, that is not a babbu game.
Part-time villain is waiting!Eh... -mode.
Tailored songLet me sing a song of my cloth people!
Vagabond, not noob!Lonely cowboy... I guess.
Villain is waitingEx-mode!
You tried, that's what mattersMatilda is smiling at you.