Achievement | How to unlock
Bone location (secret) | Man, I hate cliffhangers
Card collector | Pay to know (what you probably already figured out by yourself)
Clean home | At least boxes can get what they want...
Good! She is an orphan now! (secret) | What? That's a good thing, right?
Hey! I am strong! | Spalonebabuguskootis is name, not fitting in any form, so getting strongest is surely my game!
How?! (secret) | Actually, how did you find that? I am really interested! E-mail me at this web-zone.
Love at first noodle | You know, it wasn't unexpected.
No cake for you! | Seriously, that is not a babbu game.
Part-time villain is waiting! | Eh... -mode.
Tailored song | Let me sing a song of my cloth people!
Vagabond, not noob! | Lonely cowboy... I guess.
Villain is waiting | Ex-mode!
You tried, that's what matters | Matilda is smiling at you.