Achievement | How to unlock
Bodyguard | Produce body armor.
Bottler | Produce bottles.
Bureaucrat | Produce office papaer.
Capitalist III | 100000$ without any loans.
Capitalist II | 10000$ without any loans.
Capitalist IV | 1000000 without any loans.
Capitalist I | 1000$ without any loans.
Carboner | Produce carbon.
Carpenter | Produce boards.
Cash gap | Unknown.
Compositor | Produce composite.
Contract | Close contract.
Conveyor | Produce car parts.
Dirt is not a problem | Produce rubber shoes.
Fail deadline | Unknown.
Furniture maker | Produce furnitrue.
Glazier | Produce plastic windows.
Henry | Produce cars.
Householder | Produce household appliances.
Instrumentalist | Produce instruments.
King of war | Produce advanced weapons.
Lord of war | Produce weapons.
Microcurcuitor | Produce microcurcuits.
Nailed | Produce nails.
Plastic world | Produce disposable tableware.
Reeler | Produce cable reels.
Sawdust | Produce cellulose.
Snowboarder | Produce snowboards.
Sputnik | Produce sattelites.
Tape of purity | Produce toilet paper.
The Cable Guy | Produce cable.
Toy world | Produce toys.
Win | Win.