Code | Effect
devmode | Enable teleportation with the T key.
giveequipment # | Give yourself more equipment.
giveherbs # | Give yourself more herbs.
giveitem (ItemName) # | Give yourself a certain inventory item (# is optional).
givemeat # | Give yourself more meat.
givemedicine # | Give yourself more medicine.
givemetal # | Give yourself more metal.
giveoil # | Give yourself more oil.
giverations # | Give yourself more rations.
giverope # | Give yourself more rope.
givevaluables # | Give yourself more valuables.
givewood # | Give yourself more wood.
givexp # | Give yourself more experience.
illuminati | Display all plot variables.
kill (firstname) | Kill a certain follower.
remove (firstname) | Remove a certain follower from your party.
return (firstname) | Return an absent follower to your party.
setmorale (firstname) # | Change a certain character’s morale.
smite (firstname) | Injure a certain character.
thespanishinquisition | Injure all followers.
tordenskjold | Restore all injured followers to health.
vontrier | Release camera from the player character.