Evil Wizard (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AlohomoraOpen the laser door inside the lab.
Armory CartographerDiscover the full Armory's map.
Blood BathKill 300 enemies.
Blood RitualUpgrade your equipment for the first time.
Bully!Throw Igor from the ladder.
Cheat CodeAsk the developers for a cheat code to unlock this achievement.
CryomancerDefeat Spike, The Frost Sapphire.
Dark Forest CartographerDiscover the full Dark Forest's map.
Dungeon CartographerDiscover the full Dungeon's map.
ElectromancerDefeat Storm, The Sparking Quartz.
Everything is PermittedDefeat Tizio, The Assassin.
Evil Wins!Complete the game.
ExecutionerExecute 50 enemies.
Final Boss Defeated!Defeat Remageht, The Hero.
GeomancerDefeat Gaia, The Growing Jade.
Graveyard DiggerFind the burial site.
I Understood Duck ReferenceAdd the first rubber duck to your collection.
Is He Dead Now?Defeat Dr. J. Kill and Mr. B. Ceps.
It's Super Effective!Defeat Reniart, The Beast Tamer.
Laboratory CartographerDiscover the full Lab's map.
Master of the ElementsUpgrade the five elements.
May The Quacks Be With YouFind the Obi Duck Kenobi and Duck Vader rubber ducks.
MercenaryCollect all the rewards from Gregor.
My Super Power is MoneyFind the Rubber Downey Jr. and The Duck Knight rubber ducks.
OPUpgrade every piece of equipment to the max.
Or did you....?Discover the real video games' villain killer.
Patio CartographerDiscover the full Patio's map.
PyromancerDefeat Blaze, The Radiant Ruby.
QuackFind all the rubber ducks.
Roof CartographerDiscover the full Roof's map.
Shiny HuntingDefeat Black Flarewing.
Souls LikeBeat the Coliseum.
SpartducksFind the Duck of War and Duck-117 rubber ducks.
Storeroom CartographerDiscover the full Storeroom's map.
That was coldDefeat Hailga, The Sorceress.
The Perfect DisguiseDefeat Definitely Not A Monster.
This is Sparta!Kill 10 enemies by throwing them out of the battlefield.
Toss a coin to your WizardCollect a reward from Gregor.
Traitor!Make an enemy kill another enemy.
UnstoppableDefeat a boss without taking damage.
VoidmancerDefeat Surge, The Vibrant Amethyst.
We Are The Champions!Defeat Axel Van Gibson, The Warrior.
Who let the dogs out?Release Ippo from his cage.