Everspace (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Almost ThereReach sector 6.
Better Off DeadReach the lab on "Hard" difficulty.
Enhanced VictoryFinish a run having both the Predetermination and Sensory Overload enhancements equipped.
Evil TwinKill your own clone.
Fast And FragileUse the Colonial Scout 15 times.
Fly, My LovelyHave 5 or more drones working for you at the same time.
Friggin' AwesomeDestroy an Okkar Frigate.
Getting CloserReach sector 4.
Getting SidetrackedComplete all challenges.
Getting SomewhereReach sector 3.
Getting StartedReach sector 2.
Mr. AncientCollect all glyphs.
Mr. RobotCollect all subroutines.
New DLC Achievement 26Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 27Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 28Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 29Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 30Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 31Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 32Not yet obtainable.
New DLC Achievement 33Not yet obtainable.
No Time To DieReach the lab in less than an hour.
Onwards And UpwardsReach sector 5.
Perked UpMax out all pilot perks.
Proud OwnerBuy a new ship.
ScrapmanAccumulate 500 scrap in a single run.
Slow And SturdyUse the Colonial Gunship 15 times.
Taking One For The TeamDefeat Admiral Gorc.
The Way You're Meant To DieReach the lab.
TinkererGet all perks for the Interceptor, the Scout or the Gunship.
Welcome To EverspaceDie.
Whole AgainCollect all DNA fragments.
Wrong Time, Wrong PlaceKill 1000 enemies.