Achievement | How to unlock
Antivirus | Don't let the Hackers hack traps.
Cool Head | Hit three suitors with the cold wave of the Frozen milkshake.
Don't run in my tower | Don't let any Knight reach its top speed.
Feed the beast | Send a suitor in the Vegetale jaw.
Hat's off | Take off the helmet of all the Mercenaries.
In Dead End | Create at least three dead ends in your tower.
In Doubt | Make the suitors doubt fifteen times.
In the Sauce | Hit five suitors with the wave of Spicy sauce.
It Stings | Hit three suitors with one launch of the Stalactites.
Mush Mush | Hit five suitors with the Stinky mushroom.
Slowly but surely | Slow down three suitors with one use of the Blobosol.
The princess without the frog | Don't let any Toad Prince jump over a trap.
Without Crossroads | Don't use four entries room.
Without Hands | Don't use last resort objects.