Empire of the Gods (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BuilderBuild a pyramid.
CompetentWin a stage.
DefenderDefend your empire.
DevoutBuild a temple.
FamousGet 500 total fame.
FastWin a stage with 10 remaining time.
GodlikeImprove each attribute of your character to the maximum value.
ImpressiveWin a stage while using all extra cards.
LeaderExpand your empire.
SeriousUse 1,000 cards.
SmartWin a stage with 15 remaining time.
VersatileImprove each attribute of your character.
Well-knownGet 100 total fame.
WiseWin a stage while using all bonus cards.
ZealousUse 3,000 cards.