Empire of Ember (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
ApprenticeBeat the game on easy.
Archery TournamentBeat the archery tournament.
ArchmageBeat the game on impossible.
BattlemageBeat the game on Hard.
BerzerkerKill five enemies or more under one cast of Berzerk.
BuilderHave level three versions (the highest level) of all the primary gameplay buildings in your city.
ConquerorLay siege to a downloaded city.
EconomistEarn 50,000 gold in a single game.
Glass CannonBeat the game without taking damage.
Head of the ClassBeat the tutorial without taking damage.
HeroRescue all the villagers when a village asks you to save lost men from a dungeon.
IronmanWin the game in hardcore mode.
Lessons learnedRetrieved Kroth's Ember without being knocked out.
LightbringerReach player level 20.
LooterBreak thousand objects in a single game.
Magic TournamentBeat the magic tournament.
Marry Elf PrincessMarry the elf princess.
Marry Ghost PrincessMarry the ghost princess.
Marry Mage PrincessMarry the mage princess.
Melee TournamentBeat the melee tournament.
NecromancerUse the raise dead spell to affect five or more units at once.
No SurrenderKill twenty enemies in the first mission where you defend your city against the goblin attackers.
One man armyBeat the entire game solo, never purchasing units. If the game give you units through quests that is OK.
Risk seekerBeat one of the suicide missions, electing to not take any units with you.
SaviorRescue all the villagers when a village asks you to rescue captured prisoners.
Situational AwarenessKill an enemy instantly by impaling them with a spike trap.
SlayerGet the highest rank in a mission (by killing enemies quickly)
SpecialistHave any attribute reach a value of 40, including equipment bonuses.
SynergyGet any pair of matched rings, and equip them at the same time.
Take PridePlace a decoration or decorative building in build mode.
The good of the fewWin the game, making only negative karma decisions.
The good of the manyWin the game, making only positive karma decisions.
Village heroRescue all the villagers when a village asks you to save a caravan.
Vorpal AttackDo hundred points of damage with a single attack with one of your primary weapons.
Weapon forgerUnlocked a dungeon using ancient weapon fragments.
WizardBeat the game on normal.