Emergency 2: The Ultimate Fight For Life (PC)


Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press \ to display the console window. Type "backdraft" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: In other versions of the game, press while playing the game to display the console window. This is the pipe character, and not a upper-case "i" or lower-case "L".

Change between IDs on a missiongotoid
Change current directorycd [path]
Clear console windowclear
Complete current missionfinish
List configuration parametersset
List console commandscmdlist
List current directory for play functionsdir
List missionslist
Load indicated saved gameloadgame [filename]
Mission selectstart1 [1-26]
Play indicated .WAV fileplaywave [filename]
Play indicated FMV sequenceplayvideo [filename]
Play indicated audio CD trackplaycdtrack [number]
Quit gamequit
Restart missionstart
Save game to indicated filenamesavegame [filename]
Set time of daydaytime [0-24]
Start game with indicated parameterset [parameter]
Stop playing all .WAV soundsstopwave
Toggle floor polygon displaysfp [0 or 1]
Unknownsmoothpath [0 or 1]
View current mission numbernumber
Write debug informationreport