Ember (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A Blade of LegendAcquire a mystical, long lost weapon of Lightbringer lore.
A Lost SoulDiscover what has happened to Gloria and her missing husband Davey.
A Race RebornFinish Ember.
A Thief in the RanksRecruit Zannon to join your party.
Bastille DayStop Prince Syrion's evil plans.
Becoming WholeFind your heart and make your Lightbringer whole.
DeathbringerUnleash a horrifying doom upon the world.
Escape from the BarrowsEscape from the Barrows and enter the world of Domus.
Hammer of the GodsMeet the Goblin King deep within the Goblin Library.
Just Keep SwimmingSettle things with the Fish Co. peacefully.
Keep Shrining on MeRestore the Shrine beneath Radiance.
Meet an Old FriendEncounter the Darkbringer in Darkwood.
Reunited and It Feels So Good!Find Fia and return her to her Lantern.
Searching for the SoullessMeet the nefarious Necromancer carrying out experiments in the Bog of Souls.
Shrine Like a DiamondRestore the Ember Mines Shrine.
Shrine On!Restore the Giant Cliffs Shrine.
Spit ShrineRestore the Sanctuary Shrine.
The Cult Lies BeneathDeal with the mysterious cult living in the sewers below the City of Light.
Tips AppreciatedTip the Five Lanterns Band.
Viking FuneralBurn the Blue Whale.
What Happened to the Dragons?Discover what has happened to Moros, the prospective Dragon Hunter.
Where the Shadows HideInfiltrate the Thieves Guild and find their Leader.