Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
ALPHA GOCompleted level 1.
BENDING TIMECompleted time trial in under 17 minutes.
BLACK SWANCompleted level 22.
CHIMERACompleted level 18.
CLOCKWORKCompleted level 8.
CLOSE THE LOOPCompleted the game.
CODACompleted level 26.
COMMUNIONCompleted level 11.
FALLSCompleted level 20.
FOLLOW THE LEADERCompleted level 25.
FRIENDLY FIRECompleted level 9.
GHOST HARDWARECompleted level 7.
GOD PARTICLECompleted level 17.
GONE ELVISCompleted level 4.
HEAVY TRAFFICCompleted level 23.
HELLO STRANGERCompleted level 2.
LOST TIMECompleted level 3.
MOMENTOCompleted level 16.
MOONBEAMCompleted level 13.
PARALLAXCompleted level 6.
PERFECT RUN ELITERan 15 levels without expiry or restart.
PERFECT RUN EXPERTRan 9 levels without expiry or restart.
PERFECT RUN HACKTIVISTRan 5 levels without expiry or restart.
PERFECT RUN MAJESTICRan 27 levels without expiry or restart.
PERFECT RUN ROOKIERan 3 levels without expiry or restart.
PROXIMITYCompleted level 12.
QUANTUM LEAPCompleted level 21.
RECURSIONCompleted level 19.
SEQUENCINGCompleted level 24.
SIGNAL TO NOISECompleted level 27.
SYNTAX ERRORCompleted level 10.
TEMPLE BELLCompleted level 15.
THE MIND'S EYE (secret)Discovered secret area (Secret)
TIGER TRAPCompleted level 5.
TIME ATTACKCompleted first time trial.
TRANSFERENCECompleted level 14.