Achievement | How to unlock
50/50 | It's not over yet.
All Dimensions! | So far so good..
Bridging the gap! | Complete level 17 in less than 17 seconds.
Dunk! | This just keeps getting better and better.
Electricity 101 | Never thought you'd be doing this.
Finding Your Way | You have sucessfully finished the first level, tricky isn't it.....
Finishing in style | Finish level 100 with the gravity inverted.
Give up yet? | Not far to go..
Going backwards! | Compete level 52 in less than 3 seconds
It's all heating up now! | Might want to start being more careful.
No more Mister Nice Duplexer! | Not getting any easier
Pulled a bar | You did it, you clicked the left mouse button and figured out how the game works.
Speedrunner | Complete 100 levels in less than 1 hour.
Ten Down! | Still think you've got what it takes?
Thinking on top of the box | Complete level 77 in less than 10 seconds.
This game has color? | You've discovered the secrets of Green and Red.
This goes over here...but how? | There's more to this game than you thought.
Threading the needle | Complete level 98 in less than 25 seconds.
Triple Digits! | 100 levels completed, a real achievement.
WEEEEEEEEEE!!! | These things are fun.
s1ck bh0p5 m8 | Complete level 42 in less than 8 seconds.