Dungeons & Geese (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Aggressive AlcoholicKick out all guests from the ball.
Blue GuyCollect 50 Blue Spears.
CollectorCollect all types of weapons.
Defeat Final BossDefeat Boss in 3'rd location.
Defeat Sneaky GhostDefeat Boss in 3'rd location.
DrunkardCollect 10 Heal Items.
Dungeons and GeeseComplete the Game.
Dying Love3rd Ending.
Goose on MarchComplete 18'th level.
Journey BeginsComplete 1'st Level.
Last Flight of GoosenburgDefeat Boss in 2'st location.
Meet the God!Meet Lacroix in Heaven.
Pink GuyCollect 100 Pink Spears.
Rat BossDefeat Boss in 1'st location.
Saddle the GooseIt's better than goose saddling you, isn't it?
Solve the MysterySolve the mystery behind Old's Man Bankruptcy.
Suicide Mission4rd Ending.
To the New World1st Ending.
Together Forever2nt Ending.
Troll the TrollComplete 36th level.
What the hell is going on?Run the game.