Dungeon Defenders: Awakened (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
88 CoreCompleted Warping Core on Medium Difficulty or higher.
A Taste of VictoryCompleted all Act 3 maps on any difficulty setting.
Ancient MasterCompleted Test of the Ancient III.
Ancient NoviceCompleted Test of the Ancient I.
Ancient VeteranCompleted Test of the Ancient II.
ArmoredReached Survival Wave 20 on Insane Difficulty or higher.
Baby StepsTest achievement description. Ask Javo about this.
Bark At The MoonCompleted all Act 4 maps on Massacre.
CallousedReached Survival Wave 20 on Hard Difficulty or higher.
Captain of the SkyCompleted Skyward Revenge on Massacre Difficulty.
Champion of EtheriaReached Hero Level 100!
Claim the KeepCompleted all Act 2 maps on Massacre.
Cloud NineCompleted Skyward Offensive on Massacre Difficulty.
Core CardioCompleted Moving Core on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Core DestroyerCompleted Assault on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Dancing in the RainCompleted Raining Goblins on Insane Difficulty.
Defender of EtheriaReached Hero Level 70.
Defense is the Best OffenseReached Wave 10 on all levels in Pure Strategy on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Demon MasterCompleted Test of the Demon III.
Demon NoviceCompleted Test of the Demon I.
Demon VeteranCompleted Test of the Demon II.
Don't Look DownCompleted all Act 3 maps on Massacre.
Dreamy DefenderCompleted all maps on Nightmare! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender!
Dungeon CrawlerCompleted all maps on any difficulty setting.
Dungeon DefenderCompleted all maps on Insane! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender!
Dungeon RaiderCompleted all maps on Hard.
Dusty WindsCompleted Skyward Offensive on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Ella, EllaCompleted Raining Goblins on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Experienced IReached Hero Level 105!
Fearful PeaksCompleted all Act 3 maps on Nightmare.
Fever DreamCompleted all Act 1 maps on Nightmare.
FortifiedReached Survival Wave 20 on Massacre Difficulty or higher.
From Fire with BrimstoneCompleted all Act 1 maps on Insane.
From the DepthsCompleted all Act 1 maps on any difficulty setting.
Glorious DefenderCompleted all maps on Massacre! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender!
Goblins From AboveCompleted Raining Goblins on Nightmare Difficulty.
Goblins Keep Falling On My HeadCompleted Raining Goblins on Massacre Difficulty.
Gold BlitzCompleted Treasure Hunt on Insane Difficulty.
Gold RushCompleted Treasure Hunt on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Good StudentCompleted the Tutorial. You deserve a cookie!
Group HugRaised the original four heroes to Level 100!
Heated HorrorCompleted all Act 1 maps on Massacre.
Hop Scotch In The SkyCompleted Skyward Offensive on Insane Difficulty.
Hungry Like The WolfCompleted all Act 4 maps on Nightmare.
In A Fowl MoodCompleted Chicken on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Invest In YourselfStored 15,000,000,000 Gold.
Iron ManReached Survival Wave 10 on Insane Difficulty.
It's A Long FallCompleted Skyward Revenge on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Lycan ConquerorAchieved Massacre Survival Victory on every Act 4 mission.
Lycan HunterAchieved Nightmare Survival Victory on every Act 4 mission.
Lycan MasterCompleted Test of the Lycan III.
Lycan NoviceCompleted Test of the Lycan I.
Lycan VeteranCompleted Test of the Lycan II.
Master BankerStored 15,000,000 Gold.
Mech MasterCompleted Test of the Mech III.
Mech NoviceCompleted Test of the Mech I.
Mech VeteranCompleted Test of the Mech II.
Monster MadnessCompleted Death From Above on Insane Difficulty.
Monster ManiaCompleted Death From Above on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Monster MashCompleted Death From Above on Massacre Difficulty.
Monster MayhemCompleted Death From Above on Nightmare Difficulty.
No Towers, No ProblemCompleted No Towers Allowed on Nightmare Difficulty.
Not Afraid of HeightsCompleted Skyward Offensive on Nightmare Difficulty.
One Old One's TrashCompleted Treasure Hunt on Nightmare Difficulty.
Over The RiverCompleted all Act 4 maps on any difficulty setting.
PupilReached Hero Level 10.
ReaperReached Survival Wave 10 on Massacre.
ReinforcedReached Survival Wave 20 on Nightmare Difficulty or higher.
SandmanReached Survival Wave 10 on Nightmare.
Sky PirateCompleted Skyward Revenge on Insane Difficulty.
Storm the CastleCompleted all Act 2 maps on Nightmare.
SurvivalistReached Survival Wave 15 on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Team EffortCompleted all maps with four active players on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Teamwork IRaised a Hero of each type to Level 105! Including EV, Rogue and Warden!
The Belly of the BeastCompleted all Act 1 maps on Hard.
The Body of the BeastCompleted all Act 2 maps on Hard.
The Crown of the BeastCompleted all Act 3 maps on Hard.
Thick SkinReached Survival Wave 20 on Medium Difficulty or higher.
Through The Crowded KeepCompleted all Act 2 maps on Insane.
Through the WoodsCompleted all Act 4 maps on Hard.
To The Keep We GoCompleted all Act 4 maps on Insane.
To the Lofty SummitCompleted all Act 3 maps on Insane.
To the RooftopsCompleted all Act 2 maps on any difficulty setting.
Tough GuyReached Survival Wave 15 on Hard Difficulty or higher.
Tough IncarnateReached Survival Wave 15 on Massacre Difficulty or higher.
Tougher GuyReached Survival Wave 15 on Insane Difficulty or higher.
Toughest GuyReached Survival Wave 15 on Nightmare Difficulty or higher.
Transcendent SurvivalistYou achieved Nightmare Survival Victory on every Campaign mission, and are thus rewarded!
Unbeatable SurvivalistYou achieved Massacre Survival Victory on every Campaign mission, and are thus rewarded!
Unidentified Flying DefenderCompleted Skyward Revenge on Nightmare Difficulty.
Unstoppable DefenderCompleted all Challenges on Massacre Difficulty!
VeteranReached Hero Level 30.
Weapon MasterCompleted No Towers Allowed on Insane Difficulty.
Where's The BlueprintsCompleted No Towers Allowed on Medium Difficulty or higher.
You Are A PirateCompleted Treasure Hunt on Massacre Difficulty.