Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Crowded PlaceReach fifty Pips in a single game.
A cure for everythingProduce 100 sickness resistance per turn.
A cursed villageWatch hundred Pips die.
A doomed villageSee the Apocalypse Vision.
A kindergartenHave ten children in your village at once.
A long journeyPlay thousand turns.
A rich PipGet a Bourgeois Pip.
Alcohol is bad for youProduce 1 beer.
All that glittersGet a Lucky event.
Attuned with the forestProduce 100 nature resistance per turn.
Back to schoolBuild a school.
Be not afraidCure a Pip of the Terrified ailment.
Better luck next timeLose a game.
ClarityComplete the second Prophecy page.
Completionist's heavenGet all agepedia entries.
Doom (hopefully) AvertedComplete the first Prophecy page.
Drama queenBuild a theater.
Everybody gets a carrot!Produce 50 carrots in a single turn.
Everything is awesomeProduce 100 serenity resistance per turn.
Explosive DiarrheaFind the Diarrhea event.
FaithfulTrust the Domain.
FloweryHave ten garden fields at once in your village.
For me?Get a Boon.
Friends foreverHave two Pips become friends.
Good job!Get hundred Good events.
He's still hereKeep the idiot alive until you win a game.
Heaven & HellReach temperature threat level 7.
I don't feel so well...Reach sickness threat level 7.
I have more storiesUnlock a new elder.
I like turnsPlay hundred turns.
I remember everything!Unlock 100% memories.
I remember wellUnlock 50% of Memories.
I smell smokeHave ten buildings burning at once.
Is this a joke?Complete the fifth Prophecy page.
Is this... love?Have a Pip get in love.
It was him all along!Find the Monster Reveal event.
It won't budgeHave one building get stuck.
It's getting coldReach the first Winter.
It's me, Matus!Win a game with Matus.
Just in caseBuild a burial site.
Kitty!Find the Cat VIP.
KnowledgeableComplete the research tree in a single run.
Listen to the TreesWin a game with the Shaman.
Lumberjack KingClear the whole terrain from wood.
Never too many chickensHave fifty chickens in the village at the same time.
Never trust anybodyReach fear threat level 7.
No Space LeftBuild something on each free flat tile.
Not the usual PipFind a VIP.
One more turn!Play 5000 turns.
Ooooooooh!Win a game with Randolph.
PerfectnessWin a game without losing a single Risk event.
Plenty of spaceHave ten warehouses at once in your village.
Population overloadReach hundred Pips in a single game.
SentienceComplete the fourth Prophecy page.
Should have avoided thatDie of a Deadly event.
SkepticDoubt the Domain.
Stay right there!Get a Pillored Pip.
Tale from the SeaWin a game with the Captain.
That hurtGet a crippled Pip.
The ApocalypseReach the Apocalypse.
The SeerPredict 200 events.
The SurvivorSurvive the apocalypse.
The Unluckiest PipHave a Pip die due to a Thunderstrike.
The burning trioHave three Pips burning at the same time.
The greatest scientistProduce 100 Knowledge in a single turn.
The ground is shackingReach nature threat level 7.
The truthComplete the third Prophecy page.
This is addictingPlay for hundred hours (6000 minutes)
Time fliesPlay for five hours (300 minutes)
Up at 3 AMProduce 150 Bread in a single turn.
What is time?Play for fifty hours (3000 minutes)
Why don't you get a jobFind a Professional Pip.
Why me?Have one Pip afflicted by four ailments at once.