Achievement | How to unlock
A Crowded Place | Reach fifty Pips in a single game.
A cure for everything | Produce 100 sickness resistance per turn.
A cursed village | Watch hundred Pips die.
A doomed village | See the Apocalypse Vision.
A kindergarten | Have ten children in your village at once.
A long journey | Play thousand turns.
A rich Pip | Get a Bourgeois Pip.
Alcohol is bad for you | Produce 1 beer.
All that glitters | Get a Lucky event.
Attuned with the forest | Produce 100 nature resistance per turn.
Back to school | Build a school.
Be not afraid | Cure a Pip of the Terrified ailment.
Better luck next time | Lose a game.
Clarity | Complete the second Prophecy page.
Completionist's heaven | Get all agepedia entries.
Doom (hopefully) Averted | Complete the first Prophecy page.
Drama queen | Build a theater.
Everybody gets a carrot! | Produce 50 carrots in a single turn.
Everything is awesome | Produce 100 serenity resistance per turn.
Explosive Diarrhea | Find the Diarrhea event.
Faithful | Trust the Domain.
Flowery | Have ten garden fields at once in your village.
For me? | Get a Boon.
Friends forever | Have two Pips become friends.
Good job! | Get hundred Good events.
He's still here | Keep the idiot alive until you win a game.
Heaven & Hell | Reach temperature threat level 7.
I don't feel so well... | Reach sickness threat level 7.
I have more stories | Unlock a new elder.
I like turns | Play hundred turns.
I remember everything! | Unlock 100% memories.
I remember well | Unlock 50% of Memories.
I smell smoke | Have ten buildings burning at once.
Is this a joke? | Complete the fifth Prophecy page.
Is this... love? | Have a Pip get in love.
It was him all along! | Find the Monster Reveal event.
It won't budge | Have one building get stuck.
It's getting cold | Reach the first Winter.
It's me, Matus! | Win a game with Matus.
Just in case | Build a burial site.
Kitty! | Find the Cat VIP.
Knowledgeable | Complete the research tree in a single run.
Listen to the Trees | Win a game with the Shaman.
Lumberjack King | Clear the whole terrain from wood.
Never too many chickens | Have fifty chickens in the village at the same time.
Never trust anybody | Reach fear threat level 7.
No Space Left | Build something on each free flat tile.
Not the usual Pip | Find a VIP.
One more turn! | Play 5000 turns.
Ooooooooh! | Win a game with Randolph.
Perfectness | Win a game without losing a single Risk event.
Plenty of space | Have ten warehouses at once in your village.
Population overload | Reach hundred Pips in a single game.
Sentience | Complete the fourth Prophecy page.
Should have avoided that | Die of a Deadly event.
Skeptic | Doubt the Domain.
Stay right there! | Get a Pillored Pip.
Tale from the Sea | Win a game with the Captain.
That hurt | Get a crippled Pip.
The Apocalypse | Reach the Apocalypse.
The Seer | Predict 200 events.
The Survivor | Survive the apocalypse.
The Unluckiest Pip | Have a Pip die due to a Thunderstrike.
The burning trio | Have three Pips burning at the same time.
The greatest scientist | Produce 100 Knowledge in a single turn.
The ground is shacking | Reach nature threat level 7.
The truth | Complete the third Prophecy page.
This is addicting | Play for hundred hours (6000 minutes)
Time flies | Play for five hours (300 minutes)
Up at 3 AM | Produce 150 Bread in a single turn.
What is time? | Play for fifty hours (3000 minutes)
Why don't you get a job | Find a Professional Pip.
Why me? | Have one Pip afflicted by four ailments at once.