Door Kickers: Action Squad (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Alert ExtinguishedSuccessfully complete all missions in Chapter 3.
Attention GetterBlow Open 100 Doors.
Bad EyesightKill 50 Hostages.
Bite the AppleSuccessfully complete all missions in Chapter 4.
Buckshot SeasonGet 100 kills as Breacher.
Building CommunityRescue 1000 hostages.
Cartel Annihilator3-Star all missions in Chapter 5.
Cavalry is HereRescue 50 hostages.
Cleanse by FireSet 20 enemies on fire.
Cleanup the Hood3-Star all missions in Chapter 1.
CompletionistCollect all 20 secret items.
Darwin AwardKill yourself with your own explosives.
Death DealerGet 100 kills as Assaulter.
Door HaterKick Open 1000 Doors.
Door KickerKick Open 100 Doors.
EfficientUse sniper support to kill 100 enemies.
EODDisarm 30 bombs.
Federal AuthorityGet 100 kills as Agent Fergie.
Gangland PacifierSuccessfully complete all missions in Chapter 1.
Good BreachKill 3 enemies with one breaching charge.
Heating up the NightKill 3 enemies by blowing up one barrel.
Hell is ComingUnlock Chapter 5.
I Like Them NumbStun 500 enemies.
I See Things and I Kill ThemGet 100 kills as Recon.
In the Nick of TimeDefuse a bomb in the last 3 seconds.
KetchupKill an enemy with an elevator.
Lady JusticeGet 100 kills as Shield.
Looks InterestingCollect your first secret item.
Metro CallingUnlock Chapter 4.
NinjaComplete a level without taking any damage whatsoever.
No MercyKill 50 bad guys.
No Quarter3-Star all missions in Chapter 2.
No RespiteKill 1000 bad guys.
Not in my City3-Star all missions in Chapter 4.
Not on My WatchSuccessfully complete all missions in Chapter 5.
Pest ControlKill 50 rats.
RadicalizedSuccessfully complete all missions in Chapter 2.
SlackerUse sniper support to kill 1000 enemies.
Stay With MeResurrect another player 5 times in the same mission.
TerminatorUse 5 extra lives in the same mission.
The Thin Blue LineRescue 50 Wounded Policemen.
Things Heating UpUnlock Chapter 3.
Troublemakers ArrivingUnlock Chapter 2.
Two is a PartyWin one mission in Coop.
Warming UpGet 3 stars in a mission.
Warrant ServerMake 5 VIP Arrests.
We Stand on Guard3-Star all missions in Chapter 3.