Don'Yoku (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
1 credit run ArcadeComplete the game on arcade difficulty without using a continue.
1 credit run ManiacComplete the game on maniac difficulty without using a continue.
1 credit run NormalComplete the game on normal difficulty without using a continue.
A chink in his armour.Defeat Ironclad on normal or harder difficulty.
Avenging windComplete the game with Tomoe Gozen on normal or harder difficulty.
Blood Money!Make 5 millions coins in a single stage.
Hell hath no fury...Defeat the Twin Furies on normal or harder difficulty.
My first million!Make a million coins in a single stage.
Samurai windUnlock Tomoe Gozen
Set the cat among the pigeonsDefeat Iron Pigeon on normal or harder difficulty.
Strain at gnats and swallow camelsDefeat Titanic Camel on normal or harder difficulty.
To crown it allDefeat Heavens Emperor on normal or harder difficulty.