Distant Star: Revenant Fleet (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
BetrayedSurvive 'The Massacre of Tartarus'.
EliteLevel a ship to Elite.
Explorer IComplete 10 sector nodes.
Explorer IIComplete 100 sector nodes.
Explorer IIIComplete 1000 sector nodes.
Getting StartedEnter the second sector.
Home At LastEnter the sixth sector.
PreparedGet a full fleet to Elite.
RegularLevel a ship to Regular.
Scavenger IEquip 10 attachments.
Scavenger IIEquip 100 attachments.
Scavenger IIIEquip 1000 attachments.
The Ashes of HomeComplete 'The Ashes of Home' quest chain.
The Bloodthirsty SpyComplete 'The Bloodthirsty Spy' quest chain.
The Broken SoldierComplete 'The Broken Soldier' quest chain.
The Little Lancer That CouldName a Lancer ship 'Wee Stevie'.
The Mind of my EnemyComplete 'The Mind of my Enemy' quest chain.
The Price of a LifeComplete 'The Price of a Life' quest chain.
The Traitor’s SolutionComplete 'The Traitor's Solution' quest chain.
The Young HeroComplete 'The Young Hero' quest chain.
VeteranLevel a ship to Veteran.
Warleader (Elite)Complete the game on Elite difficulty.
Warleader (Regular)Complete the game on Regular difficulty.
Warleader (Rookie)Complete the game on Rookie difficulty.
Warleader (Veteran)Complete the game on Veteran difficulty.
Warlike IDestroy 50 enemy ships.
Warlike IIDestroy 500 enemy ships.
Warlike IIIDestroy 5000 enemy ships.