Distance (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Advanced DriverGet a silver medal on a track.
AdventurerFinish Adventure mode.
Better than Sliced BreadSlice off all wheels.
Big BotherTake out the camera drone.
Blast from the PastFinish the Lost To Echoes campaign.
Cheat the SystemBeat a Trackmogrify track in less than 10 seconds.
Down But Not OutGet close to the kill grid and then recover.
Expert DriverGet a gold medal on a track.
Fly for FreedomUse wings 250 times.
Gold CollectorGet Gold medals on all Adventure levels in Sprint.
Grounded DepartureFinish Departure without wings.
Jump for JoyJump 1,000 times.
KeymasterUnlock all official levels.
Meet your RivalFinish an online match.
MillionaireEarn 5,000,000 lifetime eV.
Moving ForwardFinish Cataclysm in the Adventure campaign.
Ninja in TrainingComplete a wall ride of 250 meters or more.
Perfect DriverGet a diamond medal on a track.
Pumpkin KingBreak all pumpkins in Spooky Town.
RampageBreak apart 15 breakable objects in a single level.
Self-TerminationHard-reset the car.
Six FiguresLand a trick over 100,000 eV.
Speed RunnerFinish Adventure mode in 1 hour.
Split PersonalityGet sliced by a laser.
Still AliveComplete a level without dying.
The Long GrindComplete a grind of 250 meters or more.
TrackmogrifierPlay a Trackmogrify track.
Vendor BenderFind pieces from the past in Lost to Echoes.
Welcome to the FamilyPlay a community level.
WordsmithDiscover 10 keywords in Trackmogrify.
World TravelerComplete 10 community maps.