Dimension Jump (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
CompletionistCollect every star in the game.
Critical MassCollect all of the level stars in Gravity.
Dimension MasterComplete all of the levels in Mastery.
Don't Stop Me NowComplete all of the levels in Opposition.
E=MC^2Beat the star times for all Gravity levels.
EnthusiastCollect all of the level stars in Tutorial.
Fast PhaseBeat the star times for all Dimension Jump levels.
Great EscapeBeat the star times for all Opposition levels.
Heavy LiftingCollect all of the level stars in Boxes.
Inside OutComplete all of the levels in Teleport.
Mind BendingCollect all of the level stars in Teleport.
Next Day DeliveryBeat the star times for all Boxes levels.
NinjaBeat the star times for all Perfection levels.
One Small StepComplete all of the levels in Tutorial.
PerfectionistComplete all of the levels in Perfection.
Quick LearnerBeat the star times for all Tutorial levels.
RedshiftComplete all of the levels in Lasers.
Seeing GoldCollect all of the level stars in Dimension Jump.
Speed of LightBeat the star times for all Laser levels.
Star MasterCollect all of the level stars in Mastery.
StardomCollect all of the level stars in Perfection.
StarlightCollect all of the level stars in Lasers.
Stolen StarsCollect all of the level stars in Opposition.
The Other SideComplete all of the levels in Dimension Jump.
Time MasterBeat the star times for all Mastery levels.
TransporterComplete all of the levels in Boxes.
Upside DownComplete all of the levels in Gravity.
Warp Factor 9Beat the star times for all Teleport levels.