Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
ABYSSALExecuted the Abyssal Attack Sequence
ACCURACY ABSOLUTECleared a level with perfect accuracy
ACIDICExecuted the Acidic Attack Sequence
ADDITIVEDiscovered the Additive Core
AEGISDiscovered the Aegis Sidearm
AEGIS PROGRESSION 2Progressed Aegis Sidearm Level
AEGIS PROGRESSION 3Progressed Aegis Sidearm Level
AERIALExecuted the Aerial Attack Sequence
AGGRESSORExecuted the Aggressor Attack Sequence
ALTERNATORExecuted the Alternator Attack Sequence
AMBIDEXTROUSExecuted the Ambidextrous Attack Sequence
AMPLITUDEExecuted the Amplitude Attack Sequence
ANTISOCIALExecuted the Antisocial Attack Sequence
APERTUREExecuted the Aperture Attack Sequence
APPROACHCleared Approach
APPROACH ABERRATIONCleared Approach Aberration
ATTACK ABSOLUTEExecuted 1000 Attack Sequences
ATTACK SEQUENCE STREAM ADEPTMaxed out the Attack Sequence Stream
AUGURExecuted the Augur Attack Sequence
AXEDExecuted the Axed Attack Sequence
BASHERExecuted the Basher Attack Sequence
BIOMINERALCleared Biomineral
BIOMINERAL ABERRATIONCleared Biomineral Aberration
BLAST ADEPTBlasted 100 Enemies
BOUNCEDExecuted the Bounced Attack Sequence
CANDESCENCEExecuted the Candescence Attack Sequence
CHEMISTExecuted the Chemist Attack Sequence
COLDCROSSDiscovered the Coldcross Sidearm
COLDCROSS PROGRESSION 2Progressed Coldcross Sidearm Level
COLDCROSS PROGRESSION 3Progressed Coldcross Sidearm Level
COLOSSALCleared Colossal
COLOSSAL ABERRATIONCleared Colossal Aberration
CONSUMEDExecuted the Consumed Attack Sequence
COOLANTExecuted the Coolant Attack Sequence
COOLDOWNExecuted the Cooldown Attack Sequence
COREDExecuted the Cored Attack Sequence
CORRUPTORDiscovered the Corruptor Core
DAMAGE ARCHITECTMaximised Damage Increase
DAMAGE SHARD PROGRESSION 1Progressed Damage Shard Tier
DAMAGE SHARD PROGRESSION 2Progressed Damage Shard Tier
DAMAGE SHARD PROGRESSION 3Progressed Damage Shard Tier
DECIMATORExecuted the Decimator Attack Sequence
DELAYERExecuted the Delayer Attack Sequence
DELIQUESCEExecuted the Deliquesce Attack Sequence
DELIVERANCEExecuted the Deliverance Attack Sequence
DESYNC ABSOLUTEDesynced every enemy in a level
DESYNC ADEPTDesynced 100 Enemies
DESYNC STREAM ADEPTMaxed out the Desync Stream
DIAMETEORDiscovered the Diameteor Weapon
DIAMETEOR RE-SHAPEInitialize all Diameteor Shard Slots
DIFFUSERRAILDiscovered the Diffuserrail Weapon
DIFFUSERRAIL RE-SHAPEInitialize all Diffuserrail Shard Slots
DISMANTLERExecuted the Dismantler Attack Sequence
DISMAYERExecuted the Dismayer Attack Sequence
DISTORTIONDiscovered the Distortion Core
DIVIDERExecuted the Divider Attack Sequence
DRILLEDExecuted the Drilled Attack Sequence
DULL IMBUEDiscovered the Dull Imbue
DULL IMBUE PROGRESSION 2Progressed Dull Imbue Insertion
DULL IMBUE PROGRESSION 3Progressed Dull Imbue Insertion
ENERGIZERExecuted the Energizer Attack Sequence
ENTRAPMENTExecuted the Entrapment Attack Sequence
ENTRIPMENTExecuted the Entripment Attack Sequence
EVADERExecuted the Evader Attack Sequence
EXCLUSIVE XEORONUsed the Aegis and Parried Xeoron
EXCLUSIVE YPSILIFORMUsed the Pulsar to Desync Ypsiliform
EXCLUSIVE ZENTOREDeny Zentore from healing over 33% of it's health
EXTENTExecuted the Extent Attack Sequence
FIRERATE ARCHITECTMaximised Firerate Increase
FIRERATE SHARD PROGRESSION 1Progressed Firerate Shard Tier
FIRERATE SHARD PROGRESSION 2Progressed Firerate Shard Tier
FIRERATE SHARD PROGRESSION 3Progressed Firerate Shard Tier
FLAWLESS XEORONDefeated Xeoron without taking damage
FLAWLESS YPSILIFORMDefeated Ypsiliform without taking damage
FLAWLESS ZENTOREDefeated Zentore without taking damage
FLICKERExecuted the Flicker Attack Sequence
FRACTUREDiscovered the Fracture Core
FRAGMENTExecuted the Fragment Attack Sequence
FREEZEDiscovered the Freeze Core
FREEZE ADEPTFroze 50 Enemies
FUSILLADEExecuted the Fusillade Attack Sequence
HELIXCleared Helix
HELIX ABERRATIONCleared Helix Aberration
JOUSTExecuted the Joust Attack Sequence
JUSTICARExecuted the Justicar Attack Sequence
KILL ADEPTKilled 1000 Enemies
KILL STREAM ADEPTMaxed out the Kill Stream
LANCEDExecuted the Lanced Attack Sequence
LAUNCH ADEPTLaunched 100 Enemies
MANOEUVRE ADEPTDiscovered all Manoeuvre Styles
MELT ARCHITECTMelted 50 Shards
MERCYExecuted the Mercy Attack Sequence
MERIDIANCleared Meridian
MERIDIAN ABERRATIONCleared Meridian Aberration
MULTIPLEXExecuted the Multiplex Attack Sequence
NAMESAKEThe true DESYNC starts here
NECROPOLISCleared Necropolis
NECROPOLIS ABERRATIONCleared Necropolis Aberration
NETHERExecuted the Nether Attack Sequence
NUTATIONDiscovered the Nutation Core
OBLITHERATORExecuted the Oblitherator Attack Sequence
OFFENCE ADEPTDiscovered all Offence Styles
OSMOFLUXDiscovered the Osmoflux Weapon
OSMOFLUX RE-SHAPEInitialize all Osmoflux Shard Slots
OSMOSISExecuted the Osmosis Attack Sequence
OVERCHARGEDExecuted the Overcharged Attack Sequence
OVERKILL ADEPTOverkilled 500 Enemies
OVERKILL STREAM ADEPTMaxed out the Overkill Stream
PENETRATORExecuted the Penetrator Attack Sequence
PETRIFY ADEPTPetrified 50 Enemies
PIERCEDExecuted the Pierced Attack Sequence
PLAGUEExecuted the Plague Attack Sequence
POLYHEDROMDiscovered the Polyhedrom Weapon
POLYHEDROM RE-SHAPEInitialize all Polyhedrom Shard Slots
PRIORITY ADEPTDiscovered all Priority Styles
PROCESSORExecuted the Processor Attack Sequence
PULL APARTExecuted the Pull Apart Attack Sequence
PULSARDiscovered the Pulsar Sidearm
PULSAR PROGRESSION 2Progressed Pulsar Sidearm Level
PULSAR PROGRESSION 3Progressed Pulsar Sidearm Level
RANK ABSOLUTECleared a level with S+
REFORMDiscovered the Reform Core
REFUSALExecuted the Refusal Attack Sequence
RESTOREDiscovered the Restore Core
RETENTION ARCHITECTMaximised Retention Increase
RETENTION SHARD PROGRESSION 1Progressed Retention Shard Tier
RETENTION SHARD PROGRESSION 2Progressed Retention Shard Tier
RETENTION SHARD PROGRESSION 3Progressed Retention Shard Tier
RIPOSTEExecuted the Riposte Attack Sequence
SCORE ABSOLUTEGained a total score of 10,101,101
SCULPTORExecuted the Sculptor Attack Sequence
SHARD ARCHITECTGenerated 50 Shards
SHOCKERExecuted the Shocker Attack Sequence
SINGLETONExecuted the Singleton Attack Sequence
SLINGSHOTExecuted the Slingshot Attack Sequence
SPEED ARCHITECTMaximised Speed Increase
SPEED SHARD PROGRESSION 1Progressed Speed Shard Tier
SPEED SHARD PROGRESSION 2Progressed Speed Shard Tier
SPEED SHARD PROGRESSION 3Progressed Speed Shard Tier
STABILITY IMBUEDiscovered the Stability Imbue
STABILITY IMBUE PROGRESSION 2Progressed Stability Imbue Insertion
STABILITY IMBUE PROGRESSION 3Progressed Stability Imbue Insertion
STAKEDExecuted the Staked Attack Sequence
STIMULATORExecuted the Stimulator Attack Sequence
STREAM ADEPTMaxed out every Stream at once
STRENGTH IMBUEDiscovered the Strength Imbue
STRENGTH IMBUE PROGRESSION 2Progressed Strength Imbue Insertion
STRENGTH IMBUE PROGRESSION 3Progressed Strength Imbue Insertion
STRIDULITRONCleared Stridulitron
STRIDULITRON ABERRATIONCleared Stridulitron Aberration
SWIFT XEORONDefeated Xeoron Swiftly
SWIFT YPSILIFORMDefeated Ypsiliform swiftly
SWIFT ZENTOREDefeated Zentore Swiftly
SWITCHERExecuted the Switcher Attack Sequence
TERRABLASTERDiscovered the Terrablaster Weapon
TERRABLASTER RE-SHAPEInitialize all TerraBlaster Shard Slots
THE COMBINATIONCombined all Zone Structs
THE SYSTEMComplete User Integration
TIME ADEPTMaintained Desync Time for over 15 seconds
TOXBURSTDiscovered the Toxburst Sidearm
TOXBURST PROGRESSION 2Progressed Toxburst Sidearm Level
TOXBURST PROGRESSION 3Progressed Toxburst Sidearm Level
TOXIC ADEPTToxified 50 Enemies
TRISTOL RE-SHAPEInitialize all Tristol Shard Slots
TROGLOBIONICCleared Troglobionic
TROGLOBIONIC ABERRATIONCleared Troglobionic Aberration
UNSEENExecuted the Unseen Attack Sequence
VELOCITY IMBUEDiscovered the Velocity Imbue
VELOCITY IMBUE PROGRESSION 2Progressed Velocity Imbue Insertion
VELOCITY IMBUE PROGRESSION 3Progressed Velocity Imbue Insertion
VIRUSDiscovered the Virus Core
WAVESCYTHEDiscovered the Wavescythe Weapon
WAVESCYTHE RE-SHAPEInitialize all Wavescythe Shard Slots
XAEROExecuted the Xaero Attack Sequence
XEORON DEFENDERDefeated Xeoron the Defender
YPSILIFORM DEFENDERSDefeated Ypsiliform the Defenders
ZENITHCleared Zenith
ZENITH ABERRATIONCleared Zenith Aberration
ZENTORE DEFENDERDefeated Zentore the Defender