Destroy Space Aliens (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Air DashCollect the Air Dash Power Orb.
Beat CatacombsDefeat the Hopper Boss in the Catacombs.
Beat CavernsDefeat the Dragon Boss in the Caverns.
Beat KeepDefeat the Space Alien Lord in the Keep.
Beat LibraryDefeat the Floater Boss in the Library.
Beat WatchtowerDefeat the Lander Boss in the Watchtower.
Blocked ViewComplete the game without destroying all of the Space Aliens (Normal Ending)
CartographerCollect all the Castle Maps.
ChargeCollect the Charge Power Orb.
CompassCollect the Compass Power Orb.
Defense MaxedCollect all the Defense Up Power Orbs.
Destroy Space AliensDestroy all of the Space Aliens (Best Ending)
Down+Up+JumpCollect the Down Up Jump Power Orb.
Early EscapeSequence break out of the first segment of the game.
Empty LedgeGive in to Vengeance (Worst Ending)
Feathered VestCollect the Feathered Vest Power Orb.
First EncounterTriumph against a Boss Space Alien for the first time.
Health MaxedCollect all the Health Up Power Orbs.
Heavy AnkletCollect the Heavy Anklet Power Orb.
Kill the AnimalsEliminate the baby space aliens during the final game sequence.
Low PercentFinish the game (Best Ending) without collecting Health, Damage, or Defense Ups.
Number VisionCollect the Number Vision Power Orb.
OrbiterCollect the Orbiter Power Orb.
Power MaxedCollect all the Damage Up Power Orbs.
Rocket BoosterCollect the Rocket Booster Power Orb.
Rocket FuelCollect the Rocket Fuel Power Orb.
Speed RunnerFinish the game (Best Ending) in under 2 hours.
Speed ShoesCollect the Speed Shoes Power Orb.
Sticky GripCollect the Sticky Grip Power Orb.
StorytellerCollect all of the Journal Entries.