Death End ReQuest (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All Outta WhackEnter Glitch Mode for the first time.
AnamnesisCollect half of the episodes.
Bada-Bing Bada-BoomConnect a Knockback combo with a party member for the first time.
Call of the WildUse a Summon for the first time.
Can't Stop, Won't StopLearn 50 skills using Flash Drive.
Chaos FinaleTransform into Glitch Mode countless times.
Chaos IntroTransform into Glitch Mode a handful of times.
Deus Ex MachinaDefeat the final boss.
Empire of DustDefeated countless enemies.
End of the WorldView each and every possible outcome.
God Save the QueenDefeat a powerful enemy in the Pain Area.
Gymnasium of the MindUse a Code Jack for the first time.
Honey, Bee Careful!View Lily's ending.
IClear Chapter 1.
I'm Your Number One Fan!View Al's ending.
IIClear Chapter 2.
IIIClear Chapter 3.
Itsy-Bitsy SpiderView Shina's ending.
IVClear Chapter 4.
IXClear Chapter 9.
Praying for MercyView Clea's ending.
Reality CheckSwitch over into the real world.
RefrainCollect 80 of the episodes.
Shoo, Fly! Don't Bother MeView Lucil's ending.
Switch It UpUse Install Genre for the first time.
The Great OutdoorsRest in camp for the first time.
The ObserverView Lydia's ending.
The Scary DoorVisit the Strain Area for the first time.
Thought You Were Finished, Huh?View the normal ending.
Uh, Do You Work Here...?View Celica's ending.
VClear Chapter 5.
VIClear Chapter 6.
VIIClear Chapter 7.
VIIIClear Chapter 8.
We Have Lift-Off!Perform a Knockback for the first time.
Welcome to the ShowClear the Prologue.
XClear Chapter 10.
XIClear Chapter 11.
You're the InspirationPerform a Flash Drive for the first time.