Deadbeat Heroes (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Crime Fighter in TrainingCompleted your first mission.
Defeated Big Ben"Easy, and to an extent, peasy!"
Defeated Cold Shoulder"Sorry if I appear a little... frosty. It's what I do."
Defeated Dynamite Masterfist"I also invented the pizza wheel."
Defeated Mindy Powers"This is going to hurt you more than it'll hurt me! "
Defeated Photon"I have the power to be... over THERE!"
Defeated Prime Sinister"But no. You must die. You all must die."
Defeated The Astonishing Bulk"Feel my dislike of you!"
Defeated The Business"I'm The Business. That's why I'm proper hitting you in the face."
Defeated The Squeeze"Mama's gonna knock you out!"
Defeated Tim Ferno"Let's just say, you can't hold a candle to me."
The Awesome FoursomeUnlocked Max - the team is complete!
Three is a CrowdUnlocked Betty.
Two is CompanyUnlocked Felicity.