Dark Sky (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
...And Into The FireLeft Moros on an adventure.
A Blade From The DesertAgama joins the party.
A Dreamer's WakeEscort Praeses safely to the Absis.
A Fish Out Of WaterFloxxy joins the party.
A Name That FitsFind the remains of Malcolm Wolf.
Always Have A Plan BCreate a new loadout.
An Electric TouchDeal 250 points of Static Damage.
Battle MedicHeal 250 points of HP in combat.
Best FriendsNorton joins the party.
BonebreakerTrigger 20 Frail Reactions.
Boom!Trigger an Ignite Reaction.
Brother In DistressWitness a planetary apocalypse.
Calling In SickDeal 250 points of Poison Damage.
Combustion ExpertTrigger 20 Ignite Reactions.
ContagionTrigger 20 Sick Reactions.
Defibrillation ExpertTrigger 20 Short Circuit Reactions.
Digging Up The PastBrae joins the party.
Emissary Of The VoidProtect the Eeema from Devius.
Fast And CuriousTrigger a Boosted Reaction.
Found The Weak SpotTrigger an Exposed Reaction.
Found YouHit a Ghost Hound while invisible.
Gravity FallsDefeat Erus.
Hard BargainRecover the water filter.
High VoltageTrigger a Short Circuit Reaction.
Honing Your SkillUpgrade a card.
I'll Be BackDefeat Clovis at the Ironhold.
It's Not Just TrashScavenge 10 times.
It's Over 9000!!!Stacked 100 Flux in total.
Maxed OutReach level 20 with all characters.
My Body Is BrokenTrigger a Frail Reaction.
New ToyCraft a card.
No Dinner TodayDefeat the Giant Omnipede mother.
No PushingTrigger 50 knockbacks.
No Stone UnturnedScavenge every item.
Out Of The Frying Pan...Escaped the Shipyard.
Patient ZeroTrigger a Sick Reaction.
Peak PerformanceFully upgrade a card.
Playing With FireDeal 250 points of Burn Damage.
Power Is PowerStacked 10 Power on a Character.
RebrandingRetrain a character.
SabbaticalTrigger ten Relaxed Reactions.
Sitting DucksTrigger 20 Exposed Reactions.
Spa DayTrigger a Relaxed Reaction.
Stop Hitting The WallPrevented damage with Armor 50 times.
SuperconductorStacked 100 Charge in total.
Sweet DreamsPut 10 enemies to Sleep.
The CustodianPraeses joins the party.
The Full CollectionCollect all the cards.
This Is My Final FormDefeat Clovis to escape from the Mines.
This Is My True Final FormStop Clovis' advance on Moros.
True BelieverDefeat Brit and Grit.
Unlimited PowerTrigger 10 Boosted Reactions.
Void WordsDefeat Devius.
Wares Of Great ValueBuy a card.
Watch Your StepCreated 25 stacks of terrain effects in total.
You Can't Touch ThisPrevented damage with Evade 50 times.
You Have Our ThanksWatch the credits.
You Need To Dig DeeperRedraw 500 cards.