Achievement | How to unlock
...And Into The Fire | Left Moros on an adventure.
A Blade From The Desert | Agama joins the party.
A Dreamer's Wake | Escort Praeses safely to the Absis.
A Fish Out Of Water | Floxxy joins the party.
A Name That Fits | Find the remains of Malcolm Wolf.
Always Have A Plan B | Create a new loadout.
An Electric Touch | Deal 250 points of Static Damage.
Battle Medic | Heal 250 points of HP in combat.
Best Friends | Norton joins the party.
Bonebreaker | Trigger 20 Frail Reactions.
Boom! | Trigger an Ignite Reaction.
Brother In Distress | Witness a planetary apocalypse.
Calling In Sick | Deal 250 points of Poison Damage.
Combustion Expert | Trigger 20 Ignite Reactions.
Contagion | Trigger 20 Sick Reactions.
Defibrillation Expert | Trigger 20 Short Circuit Reactions.
Digging Up The Past | Brae joins the party.
Emissary Of The Void | Protect the Eeema from Devius.
Fast And Curious | Trigger a Boosted Reaction.
Found The Weak Spot | Trigger an Exposed Reaction.
Found You | Hit a Ghost Hound while invisible.
Gravity Falls | Defeat Erus.
Hard Bargain | Recover the water filter.
High Voltage | Trigger a Short Circuit Reaction.
Honing Your Skill | Upgrade a card.
I'll Be Back | Defeat Clovis at the Ironhold.
It's Not Just Trash | Scavenge 10 times.
It's Over 9000!!! | Stacked 100 Flux in total.
Maxed Out | Reach level 20 with all characters.
My Body Is Broken | Trigger a Frail Reaction.
New Toy | Craft a card.
No Dinner Today | Defeat the Giant Omnipede mother.
No Pushing | Trigger 50 knockbacks.
No Stone Unturned | Scavenge every item.
Out Of The Frying Pan... | Escaped the Shipyard.
Patient Zero | Trigger a Sick Reaction.
Peak Performance | Fully upgrade a card.
Playing With Fire | Deal 250 points of Burn Damage.
Power Is Power | Stacked 10 Power on a Character.
Rebranding | Retrain a character.
Sabbatical | Trigger ten Relaxed Reactions.
Sitting Ducks | Trigger 20 Exposed Reactions.
Spa Day | Trigger a Relaxed Reaction.
Stop Hitting The Wall | Prevented damage with Armor 50 times.
Superconductor | Stacked 100 Charge in total.
Sweet Dreams | Put 10 enemies to Sleep.
The Custodian | Praeses joins the party.
The Full Collection | Collect all the cards.
This Is My Final Form | Defeat Clovis to escape from the Mines.
This Is My True Final Form | Stop Clovis' advance on Moros.
True Believer | Defeat Brit and Grit.
Unlimited Power | Trigger 10 Boosted Reactions.
Void Words | Defeat Devius.
Wares Of Great Value | Buy a card.
Watch Your Step | Created 25 stacks of terrain effects in total.
You Can't Touch This | Prevented damage with Evade 50 times.
You Have Our Thanks | Watch the credits.
You Need To Dig Deeper | Redraw 500 cards.