Achievement | How to unlock
AGO MK-III Master | End the game in arcade, with classic mode using the AGO MK-III.
AMAZING! | Clear stage 6 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Batalhão Master | End the game in arcade, with classic mode using the Batalhão.
Bullet Storm Master | End the game in arcade, with classic mode using the Bullet Storm.
Common Medal | End the game in the normal difficulty in arcade mode.
Hardcore Medal | End the game in the hard difficulty in arcade mode.
Heisenberg - 250k | Get more than 250.000 crystals.
Heisenberg - 500k | Get more than 500.000 crystals.
Heisenberg - 50k | Get more than 50.000 crystals.
Hurt me more! - 100k | Deal more than 100k damage.
Hurt me more! - 10k | Deal more than 10k damage.
Hurt me more! - 1k | Deal more than 1k damage.
I can handle things | Survive for more than 3 waves in survivor mode.
I like a challenge! because i do! | Finish a challenge with at least a bronze medal.
I like a challenge! because im good at it! | Finish a challenge with at least a silver medal.
I like a challenge! because im the best! | Finish a challenge with a gold medal.
I really like a challenge! because i do! | Finish 5 challenges! with at least bronze medals
I really like a challenge! because im good at it! | Finish 5 challenges! with at least silver medals.
I really like a challenge! because im the best! | Finish 5 challenges! with gold medals.
I REALLY REALLY like a challenge! because i do! | Finish 10 challenges! with at least bronze medals
I REALLY REALLY like a challenge! because im good at it! | Finish 10 challenges! with at least silver medals
I REALLY REALLY like a challenge! because im the best! | Finish 10 challenges! with gold medals
Im a challenge nut! because i am! | Finish all challenges with at least bronze medals.
Im a challenge nut! because im good at it! | Finish all challenges with at least silver medals.
Im a challenge nut! because im the best! | Finish all challenges with gold medals.
Impressive feat! | Clear stage 4 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Impressive feat! | Clear stage 5 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Its getting impressive... | Clear stage 2 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Legion Alpha | Defeat the third stage boss.
Long road to ruin | Survive for more than 6 waves in survivor mode.
New Age Folk | End the game in the advanced arcade mode.
Not even that hard to do... | Clear stage 1 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Old Schooler | End the game in the classic arcade mode.
Pain taker | Survive for more than 4 waves in survivor mode.
Scout survivor | Survive for more than 2 waves in survivor mode.
Shoot'em up! - 100k | Shot more than 100.000 projectiles.
Shoot'em up! - 10k | Shot more than 10.000 projectiles.
Shoot'em up! - 1k | Shot more than 10.000 projectiles.
Skilled survivor | Survive for more than 5 waves in survivor mode.
Somewhat tough?... | Clear stage 3 with full resistence bar in Arcade mode.
Terran Nucleus | Defeat the first stage boss.
The Dark Old Sun | Defeat the fifith stage boss.
Viper Juggernaut | Defeat the fourth stage boss.
Void Presence | Defeat the sixth stage boss.
Void Ship | Defeat the second stage boss.
Void Walker Master | End the game in arcade, with classic mode using the Void Walker.
Weeaboo Medal | End the game in the Extreme difficulty in arcade mode.
Weggeblasen Master | End the game in arcade, with classic mode using the Weggeblasen.