Darkest Dungeon 2 (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
20,000 Leagues Above the SeaDrive 20,000 leagues in the stagecoach.
A Clear ConscienceComplete any hero's entire backstory.
A Life Well LivedApply five memories onto a single hero.
A Place to Lay Your HeadReach the first Inn.
AutodidactMaster five skills on a single hero during an expedition.
Bacon BitsKill 100 Swine.
BanishmentKill 100 Cosmic beings.
Body of WorkUnknown.
Boxcar KidUnlock the Runaway.
Catch and DeceaseDefeat the lair boss found in the Shroud.
Circle of LifeUnknown.
Clearing the LedgerLand the killing blow on a lair boss from the Bounty Hunter.
Creep and SleepDefeat the lair boss found in the Tangle.
DeprogrammingKill 100 Fanatics.
DissectorKill 100 Cadavers.
Don't Make Me Turn This Coach AroundHave a hero meltdown.
EideticHave a full roster of heroes with at least one memory each.
Escape from the Black HoleUnknown.
Eyes UpUnknown.
FNGFind a replacement for a fallen hero.
Funny GuyUnlock the Jester.
Grand SlamDefeat all five Confessions with the same four heroes without any of them dying.
Hard ModeDefeat the final boss with the Stygian Blaze equipped.
Harvest FestivalClear the Foetor.
Hat TrickDefeat three lair bosses in a single expedition.
Hope RekindledUnlock 25% of the Altar of Hope.
Hot AirUnknown.
IchthyophobicKill 100 Fisherfolk.
It HappensParty wipe against any Confession endboss.
It Rings a BellApply a memory onto a hero.
Long Live the KingUnlock the Leper.
Loop YearPlay the game on the anniversary of release.
Meat and GreetDefeat the lair boss found in the Foetor.
Merry TimeClear the Shroud.
No Gravestone Left UnturnedParty wipe against each Confession endboss.
No More Mouths to FeedKill 100 Gentry.
NopeAbandon an expedition.
Not Today!Unknown.
Now Stay DeadKill 100 Gaunt.
Overdue NoticeDefeat the lair boss found in the Sprawl.
PredatorKill 100 Creatures.
Ramble OnDrive 1,000 leagues in the stagecoach.
ResurrectionUnlock the Flagellant.
Reverse BanditryKill 100 Pillagers.
Road TripHave a trophy, pet, and four stagecoach items equipped all at once.
Rush HourClear the Sprawl.
Serenity Now!Have a hero become resolute.
Shrine of ReflectionComplete all heroes' entire backstory.
SpelunkerClear the Sluice.
Tears in the RainUnknown.
The ClashEnter the Mountain with a full party and all negative relationships.
The World As It WasUnlock 100% of the Altar of Hope.
This Belongs in a MuseumUnknown.
This Looks FamiliarUnlock 50% of the Altar of Hope.
To Grandmother's HouseClear the Tangle.
TriageTreat a disease, remove a negative quirk, and lock-in a positive quirk at a single Field Hospital.
Unfulfilled DesiresUnlock the Vestal.
Unleash HellUnlock the Hellion.
UnshackledComplete Denial.
UtopiaEnter the Mountain with a full party and all positive relationships.
WhalePurchase an indelible trinket from the Hoarder.
When You Want Something Done RightHire the Bounty Hunter.
Worldly TravelerVisit every Inn.
Wyrdly ReconstructedUnlock the Occultist.