DariusBurst Chronicle Saviours (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Absolute DefenderComplete a Defender stage on CS Mode with your gauge at 100%.
All NothingDefeat all bosses and their variants.
Ancient BarrageDefeat Ancient Barrage.
Azure NightmareDefeat Azure Nightmare.
Bird of LegendComplete the QUZ route in Original EX mode without taking damage.
Bravest PilotDefeat GTB by making it self-destruct.
Brightly StareDefeat Brightly Stare.
Captain NeoComplete the QUZ route in Original EX mode without dying.
Chronicle SavioursEarn all achievements in DARIUSBURST Chronicle Saviours. Great work!
Dark HeliosDefeat Dark Helios.
EX Mode Complete!Complete Original EX Mode.
Eye of the HawkDefeat all bosses and their variants using Burst Counters.
Gigantic BiteDefeat Gigantic Bite.
Great ThingDefeat Great Thing.
Hungry GluttonsDefeat Hungry Gluttons.
Hyper JawDefeat Hyper Jaw.
Iron FossilDefeat Iron Fossil.
Lightning FlambergeDefeat Lightning Flamberge.
Massive WhipDefeat Massive Whip.
Mirage CastleDefeat Mirage Castle.
Mud WheelDefeat Mud Wheel.
Original Mode Complete!Complete Original Mode.
Perfect SaviourComplete all areas in CS Mode.
Piece DestroyerDefeat a Castle type boss after destroying all of its parts.
Planet SavioursWatch the ending in CS Mode.
ProcoScore more than 30,000,000 points on any mode.
Rushing into Next ZoneComplete a Scramble stage on CS Mode with a time under 4:00:00.
Silverhawk CollectorPurchase all ships in CS Mode.
Solid ClawDefeat Solid Claw.
Thousand KnivesDefeat Thousand Knives.
TiatScore more than 50,000,000 points in any mode.
Violent RulerDefeat Violent Ruler.