Curses of Tarot (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AscendedReach round 10 with greater than 50% karma.
BloatedEnd the game with a deck size of 70 cards or more.
Clean SlateHave no cards on the board at the end of a round.
HoarderTake the cards at least 3 times in the Scales event.
Line Them UpGet 4 of a kind.
MarathonReach round 20 in Endurance Mode.
PersistanceReach round 20 in Standard mode.
Photographic MemoryGet at least 4 matches in the Memory event.
RoyaltyGet a medium or large royal straight flush.
SeerReach round 10 without using hints or boons.