Curse of the Dead Gods (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AvidityDefeat the Dark Avatar of the Serpent.
AwarenessDefeat Xucat', the Witch.
BeliefUnlock a Blessing of the Dead Gods.
ClairvoyanceComplete any exploration with 50 or more Perception.
CollectionUnlock 20 Forsaken Weapons.
CrueltyDefeat the Dark Avatar of the Jaguar.
CuriosityStart a "Special Event".
DeceptionDefeat Clovis Pardieux, Champion of Death.
DeliveranceBecome the new Champion of Death.
DepravityDefeat Ratyapu, the Abomination.
DevotionUnlock 20 Blessings of the Dead Gods.
DiligenceComplete 10 different "Special Events".
EssayWrite 5 Bestiary entries.
ExhumationUnlock 5 Forsaken Weapons.
GreedAchieve a x10 "Greed Kill" series.
InitiationComplete the room of Trials.
InsanityMake 10 Blood Offerings during a single exploration.
InventionDefeat Malok paal, the Flesh Monstrosity.
InvulnerabilityComplete any exploration with 50 or more Constitution.
MasteryGet 3 successful Parries in less than 2 seconds.
MemoirsWrite all Bestiary entries with their complete sketches.
NobilityDefeat K'ax taca, High Lord of the Storm.
OmnipotenceComplete any exploration with 50 or more Dexterity.
PowerEquip a hidden Champion weapon.
ReliefLift the Final Curse.
RestorationUnlock all Weapon Altars upgrades.
StrengthDefeat Xak'olchir, the Blood Hunter.
TemptationEquip the three weapons slots with Cursed weapons.
ToughnessDefeat Litz And Nepac, the Cursed Twins.
VanityDefeat the Dark Avatar of the Eagle.