Achievement | How to unlock
---|, romance, religion... | Meet a galaxy of stars.
...for pointless distractions | Meet innumerable stars
| friends, family... | Meet so many stars, you will become numb.
A glaringly obvious discovery. | Find the Ancient Star.
A gross violation of privacy | Piece together the entire diary. Feel a little dirty.
Blue and Thoughtful | Crush the world under pensive agony
Brutal Culture | Raise a Brutal Pyramid with your ominous tones
Building a Framework | Celebrate stern design by raising a Pagoda
Burning Desire | Discover Passion
But who are we to judge? You've seen the universe. | Meet a universe of stars.
Casual Collector | Unearth a single, ancient Relic.
Catatonia | Bring inky blackness to the world
Checkmate | Move straight, move bold - raise a Rook
Chrome-Dome | Raise a luminous Dome
Cold Comfort | Meet a Cube.
Crawl through the Muck | Spread mud, earth and primal urges
Cruel Upbringing | Become the reaper of the Tiny Things
De Beers | Suck the earth dry of gems.
Dig down, sleep deep | Soak the world in oil and bile.
Do the Jitterbug | Meet a Hovering Jitterer
Feel free to believe in the Skunk Ape, but... | Ask the deep questions of a Flying Rod
Fertility can be both a blessing and a curse | Make the world swell with fertility
Gem Curiosity | Collect a precious, delicious gem.
Half and Half | Bring color to half of the world.
Have a good old wallow | Sink the world into strange, rich nausea
Hermits on Parade | Thrill to the shuddering of a Scuttler
Hot Mess | Convert the world into a red mess
How dry am I? | Dry the world, spread dust and deadly warmth
I just don't know what I'm doing, anymore | Make the world question its purpose
I'll call you Pharaoh if you'll call me Sir | Invoke the anguish of a thousand souls and raise a Pyramid.
I'm a passionate guy | Enflame the passions of the world
If your life is a circle - the radius is this achievement | Reflect upon a Crawling Bisection
In actuality, Star is a metaphor | Meet a lot of stars
Inverse Pessimism | Twist the world into optimistic denial
Joy... means different thing to different people | Rain joy down upon the world
Just a little | Bring a little color to the world
Life by Experimentation | Experiment with a few colors.
Longshanks | Meet a Strider. Feel inadequate
Lost without a Flower | Interrogate a Gliding Spearhead
Low-cost, High-occupancy | Settle in muck. Raise a Shack
Mellow Yellow | Discover Joy
Nuts! | Become intimate with a Hoarder
Oh Joy! | Sprinkle a modest joy over the world
One in four | Spread color across the lands.
Optimism is a strange thing.... | Imbue the world with an optimistic outlook
Paint it Black (sans Red Door) | Paint the world with darkness
Pink... and the Brain | Sink the world into pink
Plated for your Pleasure | Stumble upon a Plated Crawler
Primal Rage... except not rage. | Trigger the rise of the primal geometry
Probably an accident... | Murder a Tiny Thing
Prometheus | Discover Fire.
Prying Eyes | Stumble upon a diary entry.
Purple is reserved for royalty | Twist the world beneath flamboyant pragmatism
Reduce, Reuse, Resurrect | Create a sustainable Tiny Thing population
Regal but a little tacky | Raise a Tower and acknowledge that glory is unattainable
Retreat into your shell | Admire the diminishing curve of a Twisted Ratio
See the task, do the task | Introduce utility, pride, purple
Shrooming | Become the savior of the spores: Raise a Mushroom.
Slithy Toves | Witness the expansion and contraction of a Groper
Smash the tablets | Inspire ten Stalkers.
Spock | Discover Logic
Strange Days | Unearth a history of the Tiny Things
The countryside is a grim place indeed | Create a pastural mise en scene - raise a Windmill
The Death and Resurrection Show | Resurrect the Tiny Things
The Digital Gom Jabbar | Raise a Windtrap - the color must flow
The Enigma | Decrypt the Tiny Things language.
The Flanges make it a party | Raise a Flanged Pyramid
The Healthiest Splash | Give the world a healthy splash of color.
The Historian Nobody Asked For | Uncover all Tiny Things histories.
The Hivemind | Joy in bulk: Raise a Skyscraper
The Jitters | Sweeten the pot with pink
The last twist of the knife. | Reunite the Ancient Cube with the Ancient Star
The Long Game | Encounter a Stalker.
The most colorful massacre | Flood the world with the deathly ink of Tiny Things
The Overhang | Pierce the ground with a Jut
The Quirk | Bring a quirky glow to the world
The Rainbow Connection | Inform your bounding with advice from a Leaper
The Road to Riches | Begin your journey to trivial wealth.
They belong in a museum | Uncover every mysterious Relic.
Think Globally, Act Erratically | Bend the world to silent reflection
This is... awkward | Inject a jittery uncertainty into the world
To call them baby steps would be insulting to babies. | Leave home.
Tombstone | Raise the ominous shadow of life; raise a Tombstone
Total Saturation | Make the world a truly beautiful place.
Unhealthy Affluence | Hoard an outrageous fortune. Sigh.
We are all Stars | Meet many stars
When I think fertile, I think bloated | Make a swollen and fertile world
White is hard to keep clean | Spread the white menace
White Lightning | Burn the eyes of unbelievers with white glory.
Who are you to pass commandments? | Inspire a Stalker.
You are a Star | Meet a few stars
You've lost control of the situation | Deafen the world with the sound of Tiny Things
Your life, the mirage | Create a dusty utopia.