Cube and Star: An Arbitrary Love (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock, romance, religion...Meet a galaxy of stars.
...for pointless distractionsMeet innumerable stars friends, family...Meet so many stars, you will become numb.
A glaringly obvious discovery.Find the Ancient Star.
A gross violation of privacyPiece together the entire diary. Feel a little dirty.
Blue and ThoughtfulCrush the world under pensive agony
Brutal CultureRaise a Brutal Pyramid with your ominous tones
Building a FrameworkCelebrate stern design by raising a Pagoda
Burning DesireDiscover Passion
But who are we to judge? You've seen the universe.Meet a universe of stars.
Casual CollectorUnearth a single, ancient Relic.
CatatoniaBring inky blackness to the world
CheckmateMove straight, move bold - raise a Rook
Chrome-DomeRaise a luminous Dome
Cold ComfortMeet a Cube.
Crawl through the MuckSpread mud, earth and primal urges
Cruel UpbringingBecome the reaper of the Tiny Things
De BeersSuck the earth dry of gems.
Dig down, sleep deepSoak the world in oil and bile.
Do the JitterbugMeet a Hovering Jitterer
Feel free to believe in the Skunk Ape, but...Ask the deep questions of a Flying Rod
Fertility can be both a blessing and a curseMake the world swell with fertility
Gem CuriosityCollect a precious, delicious gem.
Half and HalfBring color to half of the world.
Have a good old wallowSink the world into strange, rich nausea
Hermits on ParadeThrill to the shuddering of a Scuttler
Hot MessConvert the world into a red mess
How dry am I?Dry the world, spread dust and deadly warmth
I just don't know what I'm doing, anymoreMake the world question its purpose
I'll call you Pharaoh if you'll call me SirInvoke the anguish of a thousand souls and raise a Pyramid.
I'm a passionate guyEnflame the passions of the world
If your life is a circle - the radius is this achievementReflect upon a Crawling Bisection
In actuality, Star is a metaphorMeet a lot of stars
Inverse PessimismTwist the world into optimistic denial
Joy... means different thing to different peopleRain joy down upon the world
Just a littleBring a little color to the world
Life by ExperimentationExperiment with a few colors.
LongshanksMeet a Strider. Feel inadequate
Lost without a FlowerInterrogate a Gliding Spearhead
Low-cost, High-occupancySettle in muck. Raise a Shack
Mellow YellowDiscover Joy
Nuts!Become intimate with a Hoarder
Oh Joy!Sprinkle a modest joy over the world
One in fourSpread color across the lands.
Optimism is a strange thing....Imbue the world with an optimistic outlook
Paint it Black (sans Red Door)Paint the world with darkness
Pink... and the BrainSink the world into pink
Plated for your PleasureStumble upon a Plated Crawler
Primal Rage... except not rage.Trigger the rise of the primal geometry
Probably an accident...Murder a Tiny Thing
PrometheusDiscover Fire.
Prying EyesStumble upon a diary entry.
Purple is reserved for royaltyTwist the world beneath flamboyant pragmatism
Reduce, Reuse, ResurrectCreate a sustainable Tiny Thing population
Regal but a little tackyRaise a Tower and acknowledge that glory is unattainable
Retreat into your shellAdmire the diminishing curve of a Twisted Ratio
See the task, do the taskIntroduce utility, pride, purple
ShroomingBecome the savior of the spores: Raise a Mushroom.
Slithy TovesWitness the expansion and contraction of a Groper
Smash the tabletsInspire ten Stalkers.
SpockDiscover Logic
Strange DaysUnearth a history of the Tiny Things
The countryside is a grim place indeedCreate a pastural mise en scene - raise a Windmill
The Death and Resurrection ShowResurrect the Tiny Things
The Digital Gom JabbarRaise a Windtrap - the color must flow
The EnigmaDecrypt the Tiny Things language.
The Flanges make it a partyRaise a Flanged Pyramid
The Healthiest SplashGive the world a healthy splash of color.
The Historian Nobody Asked ForUncover all Tiny Things histories.
The HivemindJoy in bulk: Raise a Skyscraper
The JittersSweeten the pot with pink
The last twist of the knife.Reunite the Ancient Cube with the Ancient Star
The Long GameEncounter a Stalker.
The most colorful massacreFlood the world with the deathly ink of Tiny Things
The OverhangPierce the ground with a Jut
The QuirkBring a quirky glow to the world
The Rainbow ConnectionInform your bounding with advice from a Leaper
The Road to RichesBegin your journey to trivial wealth.
They belong in a museumUncover every mysterious Relic.
Think Globally, Act ErraticallyBend the world to silent reflection
This is... awkwardInject a jittery uncertainty into the world
To call them baby steps would be insulting to babies.Leave home.
TombstoneRaise the ominous shadow of life; raise a Tombstone
Total SaturationMake the world a truly beautiful place.
Unhealthy AffluenceHoard an outrageous fortune. Sigh.
We are all StarsMeet many stars
When I think fertile, I think bloatedMake a swollen and fertile world
White is hard to keep cleanSpread the white menace
White LightningBurn the eyes of unbelievers with white glory.
Who are you to pass commandments?Inspire a Stalker.
You are a StarMeet a few stars
You've lost control of the situationDeafen the world with the sound of Tiny Things
Your life, the mirageCreate a dusty utopia.