CryoFall (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Advanced toolsCraft all steel tools.
CyberneticsBuild medical station.
Electric smeltingBuild electric furnace.
HunterFind and hunt all creatures.
Lithium extractionBuild advanced lithium extractor.
Master herbalistCollect all herb types.
Mechanized transportationBuild vehicle assembly bay.
Oil extractionBuild advanced oil pump.
Oil processingBuild oil refinery.
Pragmium minerMine a pragmium spire.
Quest masterComplete all quests.
Ruin explorerVisit and explore old ruins.
Skill masterUnlock all character skills.
Skill userUnlock any character skill.
Steam powerBuild steam generator.
T1 technologiesComplete all Tier 1 technologies.
T2 technologiesComplete all Tier 2 technologies.
T3 technologiesComplete all Tier 3 technologies.
T4 technologiesComplete all Tier 4 technologies.