Crusaders of Might & Magic (PC)

Cheat Codes

Press [ENTER] while playing then enter the following codes:

Cheat CodeResult
-UBERLOADRandom level jump
-CALCFPSCalculate framerate
-3DNOW!AMD's 3DNow! support on/off
-DEBUGShow debug information
-CRAZYGUYAll spells and mana
-CSWIRELandscape on/off
-BOUNDINGBOXDraw bounding boxes around objects
-WHOAHFly mode (LMB = Fast, RMB = Slow)
-SHOWFPSShow framerate

Note: The minus (-) sign MUST be included in the codes where shown.


The only way to the Dwarven king and his Horn of Shattering is through Ye Olde Catacombs and Duskwood. Try to stock up on every potion you can before you set off; it's a long, dangerous trip.

You're going to have to learn how to deal with unfair fights. Three or five against one is not uncommon, and the AI is good at coming at you from the back and sides if you leave yourself open. Try to find something to put your back against, if possible. And don't forget to use your range attacks.

When fighting Dwarves, you may have trouble connecting unless you angle your view down somewhat. If you use a long blade and look down slightly, however, you should be able to make mincemeat out of them with your longer reach.

XP:When you use a spell, the mana no be reduced (the cheat BIGGENME must be typed).