Critter Crunch (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Beverage and FriesComplete 6 Combos in a single level.
Challenge TakerComplete Challenge mode.
Circle of LifeComplete 10 Food Chains in a single level.
Crunchicidal ManiacPop a chain that is 15 critters long.
Feats of ConstipationUnlock Challenge mode.
Feeding FrenzyUnlock Survival mode.
King of the JungleComplete both Adventure mode and Puzzle mode.
Last Man DigestingSurvive to level 9 in Survival mode.
Puzzle Me This!Unlock Puzzle mode.
Smart MouthComplete a puzzle level with moves remaining.
Smirk WiperWin an online Versus match.
Veteran Food EaterReach experience level 5 in online Versus mode.
Wilhelm von PuzzleworthComplete 25 Puzzle levels.
World's Greatest Dad!Complete 35 Adventure levels while also feeding Smalls to completion.