Crimzon Clover World Ignition (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Arcade-BOOST COMPLETEClear the BOOST mode in ARCADE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Arcade-BOOST TRUE COMPLETEClear the BOOST mode in ARCADE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Arcade-ORIGINAL COMPLETEClear the ORIGINAL mode in ARCADE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Arcade-ORIGINAL TRUE COMPLETEClear the ORIGINAL mode in ARCADE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Brave SoulGoes into boost mode for over 10:00 minutes in BOOST mode.
Cannon CollectorDestroy all part of stage 1 Boss.
Crimson Heart downWin against EX Boss.
Destruction CarnivalReach a boost count of 2500 in TIME ATTACK.
Diabolos downWin against stage 4 Boss.
Double BreakEnter Double Break mode.
Flower FortuneDestroy all parts of stage 3 Boss.
Gorgoneion downWin against stage 5 Boss.
Hecatoncheir downWin against stage 2 Boss.
High on break !Reach a break rate of x10000 in either ORIGINAL or UNLIMITED mode.
Infinity ReloaderDestroy cannons over 15 times during the stage 4 Boss battle.
Insect HuntingDestroy over 8 specific medium ships before reaching a specific place during stage 3.
Maelstrom downWin against stage 3 Boss.
Metal BaseDestroy 2 specific land structures during stage 2.
Novice-BOOST COMPLETEClear the BOOST mode in NOVICE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Novice-BOOST TRUE COMPLETEClear the BOOST mode in NOVICE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Novice-ORIGINAL COMPLETEClear the ORIGINAL mode in NOVICE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Novice-ORIGINAL TRUE COMPLETEClear the ORIGINAL mode in NOVICE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Past all LimitsClear UNLIMITED mode using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Quick StrikerDestroy over 19 specific medium size ships during stage 4.
Rolling out the ZPlay with Type-Z.
Shelling MasterDestroy all the arms parts of stage 2 Boss.
Shooting StarReach the highest ranking in TIME ATTACK.
Spring CleaningShoot 24 enemies at once using Lockon Shoot.
Star Dust MemoriesReach a total of 3 Millions star.
Tank ManiaDestroy over 6 big tanks during stage 1.
Titanix downWin against stage 1 Boss.
Try the LimitsClear UNLIMITED mode (CONTINUE ok).
Type-I SortiePlay with Type-I.
Type-II SortiePlay with Type-II.
Type-III SortiePlay with Type-III.