Achievement | How to unlock
Arcade-BOOST COMPLETE | Clear the BOOST mode in ARCADE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Arcade-BOOST TRUE COMPLETE | Clear the BOOST mode in ARCADE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Arcade-ORIGINAL COMPLETE | Clear the ORIGINAL mode in ARCADE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Arcade-ORIGINAL TRUE COMPLETE | Clear the ORIGINAL mode in ARCADE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Brave Soul | Goes into boost mode for over 10:00 minutes in BOOST mode.
Cannon Collector | Destroy all part of stage 1 Boss.
Crimson Heart down | Win against EX Boss.
Destruction Carnival | Reach a boost count of 2500 in TIME ATTACK.
Diabolos down | Win against stage 4 Boss.
Double Break | Enter Double Break mode.
Flower Fortune | Destroy all parts of stage 3 Boss.
Gorgoneion down | Win against stage 5 Boss.
Hecatoncheir down | Win against stage 2 Boss.
High on break ! | Reach a break rate of x10000 in either ORIGINAL or UNLIMITED mode.
Infinity Reloader | Destroy cannons over 15 times during the stage 4 Boss battle.
Insect Hunting | Destroy over 8 specific medium ships before reaching a specific place during stage 3.
Maelstrom down | Win against stage 3 Boss.
Metal Base | Destroy 2 specific land structures during stage 2.
Novice-BOOST COMPLETE | Clear the BOOST mode in NOVICE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Novice-BOOST TRUE COMPLETE | Clear the BOOST mode in NOVICE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Novice-ORIGINAL COMPLETE | Clear the ORIGINAL mode in NOVICE difficulty (CONTINUE ok).
Novice-ORIGINAL TRUE COMPLETE | Clear the ORIGINAL mode in NOVICE difficulty using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Past all Limits | Clear UNLIMITED mode using no RESTART or CONTINUE.
Quick Striker | Destroy over 19 specific medium size ships during stage 4.
Rolling out the Z | Play with Type-Z.
Shelling Master | Destroy all the arms parts of stage 2 Boss.
Shooting Star | Reach the highest ranking in TIME ATTACK.
Spring Cleaning | Shoot 24 enemies at once using Lockon Shoot.
Star Dust Memories | Reach a total of 3 Millions star.
Tank Mania | Destroy over 6 big tanks during stage 1.
Titanix down | Win against stage 1 Boss.
Try the Limits | Clear UNLIMITED mode (CONTINUE ok).
Type-I Sortie | Play with Type-I.
Type-II Sortie | Play with Type-II.
Type-III Sortie | Play with Type-III.