Crazy Scientist (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Click on EXITClick on EXIT.
Click on MENUClick on MENU.
Click on PLAYClick on PLAY.
Collect 20 flasksCollect 20 flasks.
Get damage in the amount of 30 units from the ghostGet damage in the amount of 30 units from the ghost.
Get damage in the amount of 30 units from the zombieGet damage in the amount of 30 units from the zombie.
Jump 50 timesJump 50 times.
Level 1 startedLevel 1 started.
Reach level 10Reach level 10.
Reach level 11Reach level 11.
Reach level 12Reach level 12.
Reach level 2Reach level 2.
Reach level 3Reach level 3.
Reach level 4Reach level 4.
Reach level 5Reach level 5.
Reach level 6Reach level 6.
Reach level 7Reach level 7.
Reach level 8Reach level 8.
Reach level 9Reach level 9.
Shoot 150 timesShoot 150 times.
Touch 30 times to mushroomTouch 30 times to mushroom.