Achievement | How to unlock
Australiaball | Unlocked by getting 20 points in Find Poland endless mode.
Austriaball | Dr. Österreich.
Belgiumball | Reeee.
Brazilball | Hue.
Canadaball | Everything is good!
Chinaball | Herro.
Czechiaball | Czech stronk!
Earthball | Yeah.
Egyptball | What should I say?
Franceball | Je m'appele Claude.
Germanyball | Germoney.
Indiaball | Tunak tunak tun.
Israelcube | I of helping.
Japanball | Omae wa mou shindeiru!
Nepalrawr | What did they do to me?
Polandball | Polen uber alles!
Russiaball | You wanna go for a vodka?
Slovakiaball | I love my brother Czech.
USAball | 'Murica is a damn continent!