Compound (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Accounted ForDefeat The Accountant.
Ad InfinitumLoop the game.
BurgermeisterEat hundred burgers.
Citizen ScienceComplete Research and Development.
Corporate RestructuringComplete Executive Power.
Difficult CustomerComplete Reception and Sales.
Good As GoldDefeat Gold Leader.
Gun CollectorUnlock every weapon.
Had A Crate TimeComplete Vaccine Warehouse.
HelicopterminatedComplete High Worth Individual.
I Am Become DeathGold award on every enemy type.
Manage ThisComplete Profit Management.
No UReflect a Spider Tank's heavy canon shot back at it.
Non-EmergencyBeat the game without ever touching a blue weapon.
Out Of GumDefeat Booster Bruce.
OverzealousRun out of all ammo types completely during a run (excludes Compound Bow and Gun Magnet mutators)
ProcessedComplete Chemical Processing.
Shish KebabKill three or more enemies with one railgun shot.
StinkyComplete Underground Sewers.
UntouchableBeat the game without taking damage.
Weapons MasterGold award on every weapon type.