Company of Heroes (PC)

Various Codes

While in-game, hold down CTRL, SHIFT and ~ or CTRL, SHIFT and @ to open the console, and enter any of the following codes:

Code - Effect

ee_bigheadmode(1/0) - Big Head Mode. 1 for on, 0 for off.
statgraph_channel("fps") - Display frames per second
statgraph() - Enable "statgraph_channel" codes
taskbar_hide - Hide taskbar
abortgame - Quit game
restart - Restart game
setsimrate - Set game speed (default is 8)
taskbar_show - Show taskbar
Spawn M10 Tank Destroyer in Mouse Point (no.of unit) - Cheat_M10
FOW_Toggle - Toggles Fog of War on/off

Note: Must press CTRL, SHIFT and ~ again to close the console.